Metal and Non Metalheads

Technical virtuosity has essentially zero appeal to me regarding music. If anything I listen to exemplifies a high technical proficiency, it's merely coincidental because I find the actual compositions themselves and the atmosphere that it produces to be sound.

Yeah I see what your saying... There's some stuff of Yngwie's music that are incredibly challenging to play but yet the song still sucks... so yes ultimatley song writing is key.

But what I was trying to say was that I believe being a proficient musician, not neccessarly a virtuoso, is important in metal music.... but everybody has their tastes and interests.
Of course being able to competently wield your instrument is preferable, but it's not always essential, especially in Black Metal, the genre probably most directly tied to the emotion and atmosphere that the music creates rather than merely the sound. All you really have to do is look at Countess to see that musicianship is not necessarily valued in all circles, though admittedly a lot of people dislike Countess for that reason.
So yeah someone not into Metal at all, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to start with something too extreme.
I guess it was a bad idea to first introduce my friends to some grindcore like Napalm Death, instead of something simpler such as Megadeth or some prog. band...:erk:
Oh I forgot that if I make a generalization on a message board people will always attack it and show the instances where it's not true. When I say the ability of bands I don't just mean how well they can play a guitar, but also how complexly and well composed it is.

Metal is a hell of a lot more complex than pop and I think thats what most people look for in a metal song (although we do prefer the heavy music and dark lyrics, else we'd be listening to classical and jazz music). I myself don't care too much about technical ability(though it's nice) and constantly search for unique metal bands which is why I listen to a lot of folk metal and other cross genres.

I'm not saying you can't find diversity in metal I'm just saying it's harder to than other genres. How many of you when you listen to a new album think to yourself "I hope this is exactly the same as the last one". Whatever it is you like in the genre I can almost guarantee you don't listen to it because it's catchy and you can sing along to it in the car and dance to it at home(and moshing is more of letting your aggression out than dancing).

But feel free to attack this generalization and prove to me that you're different and because you're different I'm completely wrong and have no idea what I'm talking about.
i dont think you belong here if youre going to get so pissy over people disagreeing with you, it's not like anyone was being remotely aggressive
I wasn't being pissy, if I was pissy I'd use caps and exclamation points. The bold is merely for emphasis because I feel like people skipped over some of the points I made in the original post. And by the same token if you disagree with what someone says it's not uncommon for the person to want to defend themselves (as I'm doing now). I see plenty of people on these boards disagree and defend themselves with no resolution ever being reached. Nothing wrong with that it's healthy to argue things out, and it's rare to expect to convince someone of what you say unless they're extremely open minded.

If there was any aggression at all in my statement it's because I put it in generalization for the specific purpose that it wouldn't apply to everyone. If there was a huge fallacy with my statement along the lines of "pretty much all metal fans pretty much ignore complexity of songwriting and technical ability" then you'd have a valid argument and I'd be debating your argument rather than the fact you're arguing.
Sorry but when an online debate gets to the point where we're arguing over the poster's emotions at the time of a post, this is where I step out.
Technical virtuosity has essentially zero appeal to me regarding music. If anything I listen to exemplifies a high technical proficiency, it's merely coincidental because I find the actual compositions themselves and the atmosphere that it produces to be sound.

I agree, it's best not to force people to listen to what I do. At the same time (since I wear the shirts, had long hair for a while and have a huge interest in metal) I don't like people degrading and making fun of the music. I think people can hate it as much as they want, but i'd like them to at least respect it as a decent form of music. Just as I don't listen to or particularly enjoy Jazz but I still respect its great musicianship and talent behind it.

But even when people do make fun of it I don't bother to show them or anything, it's up to them. However i'm not gonna go out of my way to avoid playing/displaying metal when people are around.
I do not force people to listen to Metal. If someone happens to over hear my music and begins to critise it then I am forced to defend it. One thing that greatly annoys me is that fact that people, as soon as they hear screaming or grunting think it is all satanical (though some of it may be). This as we all know is not true. Non-Metal Heads do not actually stop to listen to the lyrics in the songs (possibly because they do not understand them?) I have luckily managed to deter a few family members and friends from hating metal.
I belive that the battle between Metal and Non-Metal heads will go on forever.
I have about 2-3 friends that listen to metal. Most of my other friends listen to shit like Slipknot and Cradle Of Filth. I don't really care though. Hell, I listen to bands that metalheads (at least on this forum) would probably look down upon. (Glam metal, Lordi, Lamb Of God, etc.)