Non-Conformity and Metal

Dreamlord said:
it's possible to drink without getting drunk.

It definitely is, though at a certain age (late teens/early 20s) the majority generally seems to prefer reaching that inebriated state rather than actually drinking a product of discernable quality.
As far as I'm concerned, getting drunk is one of the most selfish things someone can do.There's nothing more infuriating than trying to communicate with another human being when they can't even keep their fucking eyelids open, never mind saying anything back.

Dreamlord, in case you didn't know, the new Void of Silence album has AA from Primordial on vocals and will probably be worth your time.
MetalHeadMarc said:
What I always found striking about alot of metal, being rebelious in nature, always take issues with God. Ultimately, total rebelion is rebelion against a higher power and what higher power than that of a creator, but if most of these bands are atheists why do the seek rebellion against something they shouldn't even accknowlege. It almost indirectly supports the existence of some kind of higher power does it not?

No, it doesn't. The rebellion is against the concept of God, not God itself.
Well said polarity.

Oh and thanks everyone for bearing with my constant personal reavulations of what ever is on my mind.

I blame Plato and the Jewish faith for both having the audacity to believe in one supreme higher power, and to spread this idea throughout the mediterranean world. Next I blame Constantine for converting to the christian faith, and creating a roman catholic church based on roman government. Finally I blame Muhammed for thinking his faith was somehow better than all the rest. I think I hit all the major god believing religions or ideas.
Ive been thinking in many was Metal symbolizes the traditions of classical Liberalism. Without freedom of speech, religion, etc, metal would never exist; in fact I think this the reason that the topics of satanism, violence, etc are so popular in metal- metal is in a way testing the limits of society and government, and just how much freedom one can have.

Im hoping Lord 667 replies, I know he believes in positivism, and seems unstained by the traditions of humanism, existentialism etc.- thus coming from a entirely opposite point of view than I.
I ask myself.... can we be in a metal band without having any cause or philosophy? I mean, doing music only for the sake of music? All these satanic and nihilistic stuff start to bother me... don't you guys see that there are other more interesting things in life??
AsModEe said:
I ask myself.... can we be in a metal band without having any cause or philosophy? I mean, doing music only for the sake of music? All these satanic and nihilistic stuff start to bother me... don't you guys see that there are other more interesting things in life??

Of course. Metal IMO is and always has been escapist first and political/philosophical second.

Though, if Satanism and Nihilism are what interest me, it should be self-evident that no, I can't see that there are more interesting things in life. If I'm not interested in them, how can I see that they're more interesting? </smartass>
lord667 said:
Of course. Metal IMO is and always has been escapist first and political/philosophical second.

Though, if Satanism and Nihilism are what interest me, it should be self-evident that no, I can't see that there are more interesting things in life. If I'm not interested in them, how can I see that they're more interesting? </smartass>
AsModEe doesn't realise that people don't study nihilism as some kind of interesting hobby, it is their worldview, it is no less valid (in fact, it's far more valid) than Christianity.