metalheads - what do people think about them?

I don't know in your countries...

but here in Mexico...most of the people consider metal and metalheads crap.

people here are so afraid of a guy who wears a black t-shirt, industrial boots and has long hair...we're the bad guys...even cops look at you in that "unfriendly" look...

so what about in your places?
We're pretty anti-christ here in sweden! :headbang:
As he said, it's allmost just the real oldies who have something against us. It also depends on how extreme your outfit is. But normally we're pretty accepted. People know that we're nirds but that's pretty much it.
its kinda the same here in brazil :ill:
people look at us really weird and especially at me (for being a girl..) :err:
Most of metalheads here like melodic/power metal anyway, so doom/thrash and some other styles are seen as satanic or something lol its really.. weird. o_O
I guess Poland is similar to Sweden in this aspect, few people seem to object *loudly* to black-clad, long-haired metalheads, probably except for some hardcore Catholics.
They're of course ridiculed by the trend following population, but otherwise accepted here in New York...a place where it's nearly impossible to shock people. I'm not the right person to ask, as I don't share the outward appearance of a metalhead and don't usually identify myself by that term...
valafar said:
I don't know in your countries...

but here in Mexico...most of the people consider metal and metalheads crap.

people here are so afraid of a guy who wears a black t-shirt, industrial boots and has long hair...we're the bad guys...even cops look at you in that "unfriendly" look...

so what about in your places?

Italy .... IDEM man!!!! :erk:

here the people think that we listen only to noise, and that we are a mass of losers... :Smug:
carmine said:
here the people think that we listen only to noise, and that we are a mass of losers... :Smug:

that's what I thought people believed metalheads were, because that's probably what I thought they were before I became one. hmm, I assume people (even here in Canada) think of us as satanic, violent, gore-loving, christ-hating goth freaks who just listen to pure noise. most of it isn't that far from the truth :p
The people who hate metalheads the most in my area are hardcore people. Exhumed played in my hometown a few weeks ago and the opening bands were pretty much all hardcore. When Exhumed went on the hardcore people were heckling them and their fans. Sometimes I get dirty looks if I go to a show where there's predominantly the hardcore crowd; and I don't look like them (headbands, baggy pants, you get the idea). I'm not saying that all people in that scene are like that, but that's how people are where I live.
Ja. I have no problem being associated with a stereotype. It doesn't make me any less intelligent for being the person placed in the stereotype. As MoonsOfJupiter was saying though, the hardcore kids have a problem with people who like metal and I honestly have no idea why.
i don't think metalheads are gonna be truly tolerated some day, no matter how this nowadays goes all over the world - surely different, depending on traditional views, mentality, etc. once branded as unsocial are you kinda leprous :Smug: .
i didn't have that much trouble by now, although i've lived in many thoroughly different countries (in Europe) so far. you know, there's always people out there thinking they're the standard of a normal ("proper") presence and everyone should follow it. i don't have a problem with this, i simply don't care what (more often old) people whisper or shout behind my back.
well here (holland) it's almost the same as in sweden, although alot of people who don't really do care are calling the metalheads, gothics. Don't know why though but everybody is saying it.

But this thing that happened was very funny, it went like this:

- Me - i was wearing my katatonia shirt (viva emptiness on front and wealth with the doll/pop hanging at the wall on the back.
- She - the girl said (i don't like this bitch), what does it say: W-E-A-L-T-H and what does it mean and what is that thing hanging on the wall, it's scary.
- Me - it says that our wealth breeds emptiness
- She- what did you say, i don't understand. Do you mean that all the gothics (metalheads and such)?
- Me - i said: no you, you bring us emptiness, girls like you bring emptiness.
- She - i don't understand.
- Me - fuck off i'm playing a game :D
I hate wearing band tee shirts sometimes because people always have to ask stupid questions like "What does that mean"? An intelligent question would be "What type of band is on your shirt"? or "What kind of music is that"?... people usually don't ask intelligent questions though. I usually get blank stares from people when I describe an underground style of music or a non- mainstream band.

@progmetalfreak: That girl you encountered sounds just like the people I'm referring to.
MoonsOfJupiter said:
I hate wearing band tee shirts sometimes because people always have to ask stupid questions like "What does that mean"? An intelligent question would be "What type of band is on your shirt"? or "What kind of music is that"?... people usually don't ask intelligent questions though. I usually get blank stares from people when I describe an underground style of music or a non- mainstream band.
Yeah, it gets on my nerves when people are all "what's that mean?" "huh what the hell?" And then I have to explain whats on the shirt, and they listen but don't care. Then they go on saying and asking ignorant things.

The area where I live and go to school..all the people judge, assume, and stereotype everything. Its like if you wear black, you're gothic, you worship the devil, you're not intelligent, and you go around doing horrible things. Its so bad that the kids wearing evanesence and good charlotte shirts call me "poser" for wearing a band shirt they've never even heard of. :Smug:
Unfortunatley, it seems that the vast majority of people here in the United States continue to look negatively upon metalheads. Largely due to the fact that the average person really does not have a clue of what it really means. So, they rely on stereotypes to shape their opinions. Metalheads are generally assumed to be drug-addicted Satan worshippers who have the collective intelligence of a trash can. Unfortunate also is that most metalheads fail to effectively combat these stereotypes, not because they lack the capacity, but because they lack the confidence of their own effectiveness. I suppose that if one is uncomfortable with how metalheads are perceeved, and assuming one considers ones self as such, efforts should be made to alter these shortsighted views towards the more accurate, and hopefully, more positive. Unless you take great pride in fitting such a stereotype, in which case your occupation is much less challenging.
Just don't give a damn. let people think what they want to think. As stated above, many people ask things 'what's that on your shirt?'. 'Why do you like that music?'. When you try to explain to a layman (SP?) what it is, they don't listen. People who don't listen don't deserve your attention.
I don't want to be excepted in society. Why? i want to escape the non-thinking mass.
I don't want to be associated with any pop /R&B/ techno listener.
I love representing my music, cuz I love it so much... Wouldn't stand wearing grey empty t-shirt etc. every day if I would being ashamed anyway...
Be proud! Fuck the fuckers! :D
Well, if anybody gives me shit about being a metalhead, I beat the shit out of them:) The sad thing is, where I live, me and my friends are the only people that listen to real metal. There are some posers who try to pass themselves off as metalheads, but they are just wigger trend followers.