Just for your info, the setlist for Cape Town a few days after the Centurion show:

Harvester of Sorrow
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
For Whom the Bell Tolls
King Nothing
The Four Horsemen
Wherever I May Roam
Creeping Death
Fade to Black
Sad But True
Nothing Else Matters
Master of Puppets
Enter Sandman
Seek and Destroy
Thanks for all the cool replies, a whole Metallica thread without bashing them, who would have thought?
It was a wicked gig indeed, but I don't have to tell you guys, by the look of things you've seen them on several occasions, and to tell the truth, I would jump at a chance to do so again.
@ Kuier, I heard the power went out during the Cape Town show, were you there? If so it must have been awesome seeing "The Four Horsemen":rock: