Clammy is probably getting ready for Metal Camp and other commintments. Greeno showed not so long ago so was TVF recently with a couple of threads. But Psycho has me really worried a true MIA :(
sixxswine said:
Greeno-Where are ya brother?!

I still check the board once or twice a week but I just don't have much to post about these days, and I've not really seen any threads that have made me want to post.
What's up with ya Swine?!?!? I have been crazy busy and not spending much time online. Also had a bad case of the flu and haven't even hardly felt like getting outta bed! But I'm back to fighting strength now.
tedvanfrehley said:
What's up with ya Swine?!?!? I have been crazy busy and not spending much time online. Also had a bad case of the flu and haven't even hardly felt like getting outta bed! But I'm back to fighting strength now.

Glad to see you feeling better Ted

I'm still around. Been busy as fuck lately though... with both bands writing new material, getting ready for gigs (festivals with Exciter, club gigs with Nemesis Project), getting ready to record the next Exciter CD, a new/old job, getting everything together for my Harley purchase... phew!! o_O

This summer looks to be pretty full, so you guys won't be seeing me around here as much, but I will still check in every now and then. I'm hoping to get to meet some of you at some shows too! :D

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Nice to know you still among the living Clammy. Glad things are rolling even if you're busy as a bee. ;)

Take care and we expect full reports of the gigs on our desk next morning :p
KMADD said:
Might have to talk to Blackacid about getting a ride to Cleveland to see ya Clammy
But his car might be full!

Hope you can make it!! We'll be playing 2 new tunes off the upcoming CD.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: