Get a dog up ya!
First, as someone who has talked privately (IM, IRC, PM, smoke signals, HAM radio, whatever) with many of these people, this isn't the first time they are bringing up Michael Jackson's influence on them.
Second, your misconception of what is actually going on cracks me up. You're missing the point so much that I didn't think such separation could be possible in finite-dimensional space.
Third, you probably won't get attacked for being blunt or not sugar-coating things. If you've been reading posts here for as long as you claim, you'll no doubt have noticed that I don't spend much time sugar-coating things, and the disagreements I face tend to be much more about content than presentation. You might also have noticed that people here don't often need to be told what's sugar-coated, or how to respond, or that 'you've written every word as you've heard it (including your own)' - rarely do people write words as nobody heard them, because nrflg blorkton tuichu splort.
(Just to be safe, the above has not been sugar-coated.)
(The first parenthetical statement was not sugar-coated either, for that matter. In fact, none of the below will be sugar-coated unless the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man feels like intervening.)
Finally, it's becoming increasingly hard to not look like a tool when telling Michael Jackson jokes - not because of his death but because *they were beaten to a bloody pulp last fucking millenium and they weren't all that funny to begin with*.
Fuck all has been written here on the joker!
"Such separation could be possible in finite-dimensional space". That, my friend is "toolish".
"If you've been reading posts here for as long as you claim, you'll no doubt have noticed that I don't spend much time sugar-coating things". Correct, although I would swap the word "sugar" with "thesaurus'. Some people need reminding of the way certain posts read.
"Finally, it's becoming increasingly hard to not look like a tool when telling Michael Jackson jokes - not because of his death but because *they were beaten to a bloody pulp last fucking millenium and they weren't all that funny to begin with*". Sorry, wrong, they were funny, and the large amount of new material thats coming out is even funnier!