Michael Jackson R.I.P.

yin and yang cool, and differing opinions ok


there is something called class and tasteful delivery. i guess it differs from person to person so i must have sailed in on a different boat i guess. when it comes to someones tragic death or when so many people care about something there is way to be diplomatic without the need to be an internet "shock jock" even if your opinions are valid. there is a way of being wrong while being right. you seem to have figured it out.

but whatever let this pointless argument just die out. sorry for dragging it out, j, do what you gotta do.

but guys really if you care about this topic check out the links i posted above




really brings out some interesting points. and please no more talk of the last few pages and lets leave the thread for anyone that wants to share positive things about MJ if they were fans or simply wants to just express rips or whatever. then again im not the internet police so if people want to debate things then flame on!
The Cult > everything else.

just saying.
jamming "Here Comes the Rain" with four blondes and two buddies and drinking Jack Daniels... thats where the fuck its at.
:( I hope the guy finally finds peace. We'll never know if he did any of the things he was accused of but god knows if any of us were in that same position and getting slammed for years we'd end up just as bad or worse with a gun in our mouth. He appeared to be a great human being at heart and an incredible performer/songwriter.

He may not have changed metal music directly but he definately inspired a lot of people that went on to create it as you can see even from this thread. If he didn't inspire you I'd be willing to bet he probably has inspired someone that did inspire you and in the end you owe him respect for that if nothing else no matter the genre. He was one of my favorites when I was a kid. I think he may have been my first favorite musician. While I don't write pop, music is my life and he was one of the first artists that struck that musical nerve with me.

For those that never had the pleasure of growing up with it, being into it, or even understanding it... I feel for you because you definately missed out on something great.

RIP Michael. Thanks for everything!! :rock:
Very true story: my oldest son and I were watching the news when this story broke (the other afternoon) - he saw some semi-recent footage of Jackson and asked me "who is that white dude with the black hair?"
That is not a joke - I'm totally serious.
This is coming from a 10 year old who know and likes Thriller - that pic of Jackson on the cover of Thriller is the one that my son knows, I guess.

FWIW - my response to my son was "I told you he was a strange cat"
forum member I: "Blah blah blah."
forum member II: "What? Bla blablah!"
forum member I: "haha, blah blah!"
forum member III: "You guys suck. Period."
Holy shit. In all honesty.. you guys are acting like fucking Jermaine and LaToya. Ooooooh I said I dont give a fuck about some media driven pop monstrosity... somehow Im some massive asshole for having an actual opinion on this bullshit scene. Something's big so it MUST be good? Harry Potter is literary gold now... right next to Hawthorne and Kerouac... because the sales numbers are AMAZING.

Spider Man 3 pwns Deer Hunter, this just in.

Im saying... the guy gets way too much credit and Im a bit tired of being TOLD... by the MASSES what's the big cool shit going on.. and Jackson was ALWAYS in that group. Dont see whats so fucking hard to grasp about that relatively simple concept. Fucking whiners, man... dig on it.

How old are you? if you are over the age of 16 i feel sorry for how narrowminded and ignorant you are.
Your remind me of one of those kids that shop at hot topic and think their different from everybody else, when really your exactly the same as every other asshole that shops there and pretends their different.
So lets see..... whos right about this? the 150 million people that listen to jackson? or you??
Very true story: my oldest son and I were watching the news when this story broke (the other afternoon) - he saw some semi-recent footage of Jackson and asked me "who is that white dude with the black hair?"
That is not a joke - I'm totally serious.
This is coming from a 10 year old who know and likes Thriller - that pic of Jackson on the cover of Thriller is the one that my son knows, I guess.

FWIW - my response to my son was "I told you he was a strange cat"

You were watching a breaking news story on his death, yet he had to ask who it was? Generally since they were probably saying his name and had it in text underneath with "Michael Jackson dead" or some other equally obvious title I'd say your son having to ask probably has nothing to do with him being a "strange cat". :Smug:
Everyone's over it, fucko. Your turn. Way to be late to the party.

While everyone's over it, I can't help but notice that you're one of those shitheads throwing Kerouac out there. Nothing against him, but it's cool in the "i'm not trendy like you fuckers" crowd to reference him. I know, I know. You're a total individual blah blah blah. Then how do you fucks all end up the same with your snobby bullshit?

Who are you to say someone gets too much credit? As someone that doesn't like what he does of course you would say that. It's kind of the same way I'd probably shit all over some of the tunes you're into... especially since you probably don't even like it unless no one has heard of it. I know I am assuming a lot, but again you're exhibiting signs of the "intellectual" music snob fuckball.

I'm definately not saying that big sales mean a quality product. What I am saying is that pretentious, holier than thou fuckers such as yourself that hate things JUST BECAUSE they did sell well should go eat shit. :heh:

And before you try to say that you don't dislike it because it sold well, is mainstream etc... Save it. You "individuals" always seem to have more in common than the sheep you claim to hate. Weird how that happens huh? :goggly:


I'd say your son having to ask probably has nothing to do with him being a "strange cat". :Smug:

True ... but my point was that my son knew Jackson as a black guy (via the cover of thriller, etc) ... yet he (my son) didn't realize Jackson had turned white over the years. That was my only point.
But - IMHO - that definitely qualifies him as a "strange cat"
But I do respect your input.

@ Aramism: that video was awesome! Too kewl. thanks for sharing that with us.
I didnt realize how many people here were actually influenced and touched (not being smart here either), by Jackson.

I have been reading posts from this site since August 2007, and I can not remember once, reading anything on here in regards to Jackson being influencial.

Bang, he dies and then we see , "he was a huge influence in my life", etc etc, and its as though he is the ducks guts, or the best thing since sliced bread. Well, theres no mention of "ducks guts" or "sliced bread" anywhere on this forum apart from this thread!

And then someone compares DIME with Jackson, fuck, cmon, Dime was talked about here way before his death, for his musicianship, personality and influence that he had on many, not Jackson.

Some of you blokes crack me up here, basically gathering together and declaring that anything positively written has to be accepted as good, while anyone with negative thoughts are told that it is not good. If that was the case, the Rate my mix thread would be dead.

Its been a few days now since his death, in that time I have worked at 4 different jobs being in contact with thousands of people, played sport where I have interacted with 200+ or more, and no - one has had anything positive to say about the (well, whatever he is!). It has just been one big joke swapping event after another. As for the 150,000,000 Jackson fans that are supposed to make him some sought of God, there are still 5.85 Billion people left here on the earth that have other thoughts!

And as for that arguement, that he has not been prosecuted on any charges, I know a shit load of people who have done bad things and havent been even charged, myself included. And I dare say a lot of you would to.

The vast majority of people in my town, say the same thing as myself, "See Jacksons dead, who cares, he was a f@#$ing clown anyway, molestering f%^k", and this comes from people who actually like his music. No one has made him out to be some big superhero. If I was a betting man , I would say 85% of the population cant stand him, which makes 150,000,000 look small!

Everything I have just written is not sugar coated! Nor should it be. Some will take it as aggressive, but it is just the plain facts to whats happening in my part of the world, I have written every word as I have heard it, including my own.

Having said all this, I cant wait to see what South Park does with it!
First, as someone who has talked privately (IM, IRC, PM, smoke signals, HAM radio, whatever) with many of these people, this isn't the first time they are bringing up Michael Jackson's influence on them.

Second, your misconception of what is actually going on cracks me up. You're missing the point so much that I didn't think such separation could be possible in finite-dimensional space.

Third, you probably won't get attacked for being blunt or not sugar-coating things. If you've been reading posts here for as long as you claim, you'll no doubt have noticed that I don't spend much time sugar-coating things, and the disagreements I face tend to be much more about content than presentation. You might also have noticed that people here don't often need to be told what's sugar-coated, or how to respond, or that 'you've written every word as you've heard it (including your own)' - rarely do people write words as nobody heard them, because nrflg blorkton tuichu splort.

(Just to be safe, the above has not been sugar-coated.)

(The first parenthetical statement was not sugar-coated either, for that matter. In fact, none of the below will be sugar-coated unless the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man feels like intervening.)

Finally, it's becoming increasingly hard to not look like a tool when telling Michael Jackson jokes - not because of his death but because *they were beaten to a bloody pulp last fucking millenium and they weren't all that funny to begin with*.

if you search i'm sure i've had a few posts about MJ in the past i know i have. he's my favorite solo artist ever and i think i've even said that before.

besides even if other people didn't talk about him recently it's no news that he was out of the public eye this decade but the majority of people born at least before the mid-late 80s such as myself (being 25) were alive and old enough to remember a time when he was on top of the world. so while i understand people cries of hypocrisy you also have to understand that this helps people reconnect with their past since a lot of people even older then me grew up with MJ. i grew up with rock and early-mid 90s grunge and alternative but as a young young child, since the age of 3 or 4 or whatever i was always surrounded by classic rock and classical music and the pop of that age aka 80s pop. so naturally it's just a part of me whether i like it or not and i sure do. so me aside, who actually did talk about MJ a few times on this forum, other people may have been huge fans in the past when they were growing up and this just brings them back to that time. while he didn't influence me to play guitar he ultimately inspired me to like music because i liked his so much. same as the beatles, and led zeppelin, and any bands ranging from van halen to abba to stevie wonder to depeche mode. point being music is music, if something grabs you and consumes you and makes you embrace it it ultimately leads you to love the artform and in some cases, like mine, inspires me to aspire to be a producer and engineer - which is what lead me here in the first place.

though i have to say, hearing "anthems of rebellion" when it came out was the first time i ever took notice of production and engineering values and wow why does THIS sound different than THAT. from that point on the cat was out of the bag.

but that is a separate discussion.
oh and a lot of people who are true fans also probably feel a little guilt on the level of "you don't know what you got till it gone" type of shit... he was shit on pretty hard the last 15 years, most of it unfair, some of it fair, but point being he ended up feeling very detached from the masses after being adored his whole life and that with a mixture of other things pushed him over the edge with all the meds he was taking which apparently lead to his death. kind of like the freakish kid from the system of a down video "aerials"

oh and btw stop bringing up dimebag, its different circumstances. someone getting murdered onstage and someone overdosing on meds are two different stories. john lennon vs elvis, etc... besdies, how many people were talking about dimebag when he was in damageplan??? pantera was long past its prime at that point and damageplan was a pretty shitty band. the difference is that dimebag died at a closer time period to his musical activity and he was still active so he was still somewhat in peoples attention. that is the equivalent of MJ dying in like 1997 because of someone shooting him or something. and i think the fact that he was basically a very sick recluse who was once the brightest star in hollywood and the entertainment business and had so many "friends" (see video for liberian girl) in the industry makes the story all but more tragic which is one of the reasons everyone acts so shocked. so keep in that mind to. and i don't know which part of the world you live in dude but of all the people i've interacted with and socialized and also on forums a small minority, such as yourself, and j the tyrany feels that way. i think we squared away with him though.