Mickes Vocals on the next album


Fevered Pitch
Jun 9, 2004
I think Mikael Akerfeldt should record the clean vocals first, then go crazy with the "drity" vocals on the upcoming album. I think he should reach those Bloodbath lows, and do some black metal screams and equal it out with the great vocals he's none for. Maybe they should get Steve Wilson to scream a few lines, what do you think?
I wish he'd consider going back to the Morningrise/Orchid growls, those were very epic, and would suit a black metal style album a lot more.
Personally I like his Deliverance growl style a lot....like the "rise to submission" part in By The Pain I See Others. I'd love if he would vary the growl styles somewhat though and have some higher screams and some lower growls. As for the clean vocs I can't see him go wrong in any possible way.
ethereallights said:
I think Mikael Akerfeldt should record the clean vocals first, then go crazy with the "drity" vocals on the upcoming album. I think he should reach those Bloodbath lows, and do some black metal screams and equal it out with the great vocals he's none for. Maybe they should get Steve Wilson to scream a few lines, what do you think?

Mikael really does have an awesome devilish growl on the Bloodbath albums, but as far as Steven Wilson...

see I don't really think he'd be able to get that low. He's been singing his entire career so going to growls now would probably only hurt his voice a bit for his band Porcupine Tree.
I think Ihsahn would sound completely irrelevant as he has been singing some kind of shriek vocals so far. and he absolutely sounds a lot different than mikael. in my opinion mikael is capable of doing anything that fits opeth. I mean both growls and screams. there may be some guest musicians to add some spice but it shouldn't go that far.
Not sure if opeth have done this yet as I don't really have many albums, but I think it would be cool. You know how in Bleak, Wilson and Mikael answer each other for a few lines,,,not really answer, but trade off.

'Devious movements in your eyes' SW
'Moved me from relief' MA
'Breath comes out white clouds with your lies' SW
'And filters through me' MA

Why not have a section with growl vox that really answer each other. Mikael himself could probably pull it off, or he could bring in another comparable growler (does it exist?)
ShroudOfDusk said:
I rekon Mike should sing some power metal vocals. Then Opeth will be metal as fuck.

LOL!! right on and no fucking way about the SW he should just give them money and recording time and leave them alone and not fucking touch the fucking record at ALL!
Those 3 would find some kind of compromise... some kind of common hybrid-metal-of-death ground. It'd be like Symphonic Progressive Death Metal... with really shitty sounding guitars \m/... and really really fast drums...
Moonlapse said:
Fuck yes. Swanö, Ihsahn and Mike should all collaborate.

And there was me joking about Swanö. :p As far as Steel vocals go at least. He's kinda useless on an Opeth album vocal-wise...but yes, that trinity would be quite an interesting one.

Hey, no shitty sounding guitars! Just listen to that crunch on Prometheus.