Mickes Vocals on the next album

I've liked his "evolution" of the death vocals.

I've grown used to the higher-pitched screaming on the first two albums... but I LOVE the growl... e.g. "Dirge for November", which never reaches screaming levels, just this low, powerful growl.

I like the way he did the growl on the last album... "Master's Apprentices", "By the Pain I See in Others" have great vocals (both growling and soft), I'd be happy if he went that route again.
stefan86 said:
Personally I like his Deliverance growl style a lot....like the "rise to submission" part in By The Pain I See Others. I'd love if he would vary the growl styles somewhat though and have some higher screams and some lower growls. As for the clean vocs I can't see him go wrong in any possible way.

agread, but he HAS to throw in some Bloodbath-lows (well kinda like Master's Apprentices, the "accapella" part)!!!