Midwest Metal Anthem 2008

I had a good time Friday night, and made a new discovery (Lydian Sea), so it was a success. I bought a CD from them.

John, I'm sorry I didn't make it back Saturday for Eden's Fall (you and MWC were the bands I wanted to see most Sat night). But I ended up not coming for a couple of reasons which can boil down to me being old, and a wuss. If it's any consolation, your trivia contest / giveaway on Friday night was the most entertaining band break ever! "Put your shirt back on! I have to deal with that shit from my drummer! ENOUGH!" Hilarious :)


It's cool... Not everyone is cut out for hanging out all weekend. You are smarter then the rest of us!!! I'm glad you enjoyed the giveaway, I was told to entertain so I tried! :rock:
OK, making the rounds trying to catch up on things here. GREAT FEST this weekend! Thanks to Ray and crew (and J.J. Kelley's)for making it happen, AGAIN!

Big thanks to anyone and everyone that came to my after-parties (or between parties) as well. Glad the cookies went over well! I ran out too soon. It was the first time I brought them to a personal party, but no worries, they will be making a repeat appearance! It's YOU my friends (old and new) that continue the fun long after the last band has cleared the stage. If it wasn't for that I would have stopped these things a while ago. You all ROCK!

No thanks to:

*The Starway Inn for their shitty shower heads that I managed to break.
*Lotesto for bringing a sack of 30 sliders Saturday night. Oh my belly the next day! :lol:

One last thanks TO The Starway Inn for the free porn in my room. That was Jose's favorite part. Ha!
Ha Ha!
I missed that part. Damn. I hope it wasn't like the '70's porn that they used to play at The Exit all the time.
Oh wait....was it in Spanish?

You Rule, Rachel!
You are the Queen of the After-parties!

Yeah Saturday afternoon me, Hraha, Janusz and Jose were all just hangin' out in the room. I flipped on the TV and started going through channels. All of the sudden some serious...ummm...T&A I'll say...flashes up
on the screen. Everyone screams "Turn it back, turn it back!!!" :lol: It wasn't in Spanish though, haha. To be fair, Jose was the first one to want it shut off after a few minutes. I thought it was hysterical!

I swear the last time I was at The Exit (last month or so) they STILL had that bad 70's porn playing! :lol:

Thanks chick! It's really an accident...I just like to bring good beer...the rest is history! ...and hey, I even found something you could like too! :)
I just posted this on the PM:X2 board, since it's MMA related, I decided to put it here, too!

I made it to one of two nights of the Midwest Metal Anthem last weekend, and made a new Chicago area discovery: Lydian Sea.

Lydian Sea play melodic songs on the lighter side of the metal spectrum. I hear, at times, touches that remind me of Kings X, Stride, and perhaps even some P/G era Rush. Anyone familiar with Lydian Sea's defunct labelmates Vox Tempus (on CD Inzane) might also be interested in them. Good vocals, lot of harmonies, and some guitar solos that are just suh-weet.

Their last full length release, Architect of Humanity, came out in 2005. But they're still playing live, so hopefully some new material will come out of their camp soon. (They're releasing recordings of older recording sessions, but I don't know about new stuff.) On that 2005 release, the sound is often a bit thin and hollow, so I hope they can find a way to thicken it up a bit - perhaps the addition of a second guitar would help. And this kind of music needs to go down smoooooth, like a nice glass of Scotch, so perhaps they can lighten up on the pinch harmonics - which get in the way more often than they help. Zack Wylde singlehandedly made me tired of pinch harmonics when he played with Ozzy, and I've never liked them since!

I've definitely added Lydian Sea to my list of bands based in the Chicago area that I want to keep my eyes (and ears) on. Check 'em out!




Pics from the Anthem are now up on my MySpace. If you are a friend of mine on the site you can view them.

Sorry, but I don't have the time (at least not in the near future) to upload them to another site this year for everyone to view.

I've also changed a setting on my MySpace page this evening:

My profile is now private, which means you must be a "friend" to view it. I've contemplated doing this for a while. I've had too many...creepy experiences let's say and prefer it this way. If I know you and don't already have you as a "friend" on my site and you're a fellow MySpacer, shoot me a PM here and we'll get squared away. :)

I'll post some samplings relative to the folks that view this forum. The smoke machines during both of the sets were really playing havoc with my camera. This resulted in me not being able to get ANY usable pics of either drummer. Darn it. :mad: Here are some of the better ones:

Eden's Fall:





Mindwarp Chamber:



