Mikael Help me out here

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New Metal Member
Mar 3, 2005
I can't seem to understand how so many of these threads/posts are bashing Ghost Reveries. I havent been an Opeth Fan for very long true... I mean the first song i heard from them was Deliverance and the first full album Blackwater Park (so you can tell im a newer fan) but my god Ghost Reveries is not just perfect it is inspiring, to me as a musician and as a fan of true art and poetry.
Ok its opinion again but most of you people are just totally criticizing every aspect of Ghost Reveries regarding it as their worst album. How can any of you even compare this album to anything before still life , its such a leap forward in Everything: Vocals, guitars, drums, composition of everything. Even though blackwaterpark is still my favorite album out of them all how can any fan of any musical genre even remotely related to rock not enjoy at least 1 song off ghost reveries. I can not even comprehend that.

Beneath the Mire and Harlequin Forest are definately some of their Best songs ever written. I doubt any of you know any song that gives you the chills every single time you hear that one song, well that is both of these songs to me. The breaks and changes of mood in the music are awe-inspiring. Anything that can shift between such blissful tranquility to such melancholic brutality so effortlessly in the same song is quite unique and genious my friends.

******I just am really interested in hearing your opinion on the music you are writing currently compared to past opeth work, Mikael. Well, mostly how you feel Ghost Reveries compares to your previous work in Opeth. Does it exceed it in substance in your eyes? Does it fall short but still worthy to be played as new material? It truely does intrigue me so to see Opeth fans so blatantly dismiss some of their favorite band's best work as trash.

is progressing not one of the main focuses on progressive music? Honestly i find Orchid much the same throughout the album. Make that the first 3 albums. They are still amazing albums but that doesn't make this Band Amazing. Their diversity in styles,sounds, and moods are what make this band Opeth and if you are going to confine the aspects of their music that appeals to you then you arent truely enjoying what this band has to offer. And nothing shows fluctuation of music better than Ghost Reveries.

P.S. Mr. Akerfeldt where can i find new information about the Steven Wilson, Portnoy project? just on this forum?
I agree, close this thread before another string of "ur noob, lol, opeth should wear kenji urbanz". Gah, opinions are opinions and a lot of artsy "I love the inspriational music crap" is just as bad as the idiotic "dis is sellout pop" gibberish. Until someone has something to say along the lines of how Opeth employ anticedence and consequencial phrasing or about their use of polytonality in a subjective, educated manner for example, this crap is a waste of time.
*lols at the first post*

why is it that opeth fans always seem to have this big moving speech
******I just am really interested in hearing your opinion on the music you are writing currently compared to past opeth work, Mikael. Well, mostly how you feel Ghost Reveries compares to your previous work in Opeth. Does it exceed it in substance in your eyes? Does it fall short but still worthy to be played as new material? It truely does intrigue me so to see Opeth fans so blatantly dismiss some of their favorite band's best work as trash.

To me I feel like Ghost Reveries is their 4th best album so far. That means it's better than 4 of their other albums and not as good as 3 of their others. To me it's an improvement after Damnation but wasn't as good as the three that followed Damnation. Ghost Reveries is good but a couple of the songs do get old fast. That might be why the album gets booed.

And ps: Don't diss the guy just because you are unable to read his entire post because of it's length. He's just trying to get opinions out of you guys and y'all just diss him.
Ya, I know. I haven't dissed him, just added a spam post...

He voiced his opinions good, but he has failed. His first and only failure, was posting here. Major mistake...


Ghost Reveries - Has its up and downs...

P.s. I got Isolation Years to be played at our school dance. Best song there...
Mr. Bland said:
P.s. I got Isolation Years to be played at our school dance. Best song there...

really? thats sick ahhaha.

and im trying to say that i dont understand how any preceives Orchid or MOrningrise to be better in any way shape or form compared to any of the last 5 albums theyve made. THey are still good albums but they do not contain any of the previous qualities as i mentioned before to the extent of the newer albums.

Its just the mindset of all these so called "fans" that liked them back when they first heard them on orchid and liked them but can never admit their newer stuff is better. Much like Tool fans that dismiss their newer stuff to be Actually Worth listening too because of its Diversity than Undertow or Opiate.

(gave Tool as an example because of how known they are)
i know theres a lot of haters of Ghost Reveries and i'll probably get a lot of heat from the "hardcore fans" who wished Opeth brought back the "evil" and "brutality" on this album. but i have to say, not since Tool's Ænima or Metallica's Master of Puppets, have I been so moved by an artist's expression.
I think that GR is an opeth masterpiece (which is saying a lot when you see that they have never released a poor album). Every melody seems carefully chosen, every riff, hook and harmony has a special place in that song at that moment in time. I would be very suprised if Opeth could top this album artistically. For all you people saying this is a commercial sellout, please tell me what radio station is playing these guys and what their count was on MTV's Total Request Live. So what if they have a music video? There's countless Black, Death, and Grindcore bands that have em too.

Opeth didnt make the album they initially set out to make, but in return we were given a gem that was hands-down 'album of the year' and will have a significant mark on opeth's artistic achievement
I read it and gave it a chance until he said 'Beneath the Mire and Harlequin Forest are definately some of their Best songs ever written.' At which point I stopped.
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