Mikael Help me out here

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I really hate it when people disparage other's
personal tastes in such a condescending manner.

What's wrong with the first post? It's completely unintrusive
yet some people on here are genuinely in capable of accepting
a difference of opinion in a mature way.
Camille Regnault said:
I really hate it when people disparage other's
personal tastes in such a condescending manner.

What's wrong with the first post? It's completely unintrusive
yet some people on here are genuinely in capable of accepting
a difference of opinion in a mature way.
in_absentia said:
thats nice just dont start a whole damn shit thread about it. kiss ghost reverie's ass in the other 10000000 threads that were made like this

I'm apologise in advance, but who was this directed at?

Also, I'm pretty firm in the belief that I made no gesture to
be enamoured with anyone's ass?
All these posts... "But... but, how could someone like [x] more than what I like? It just doesn't make sense!" Is it really that difficult to understand that other people have different priorities/tastes/values?
Demilich said:
All these posts... "But... but, how could someone like [x] more than what I like? It just doesn't make sense!" Is it really that difficult to understand that other people have different priorities/tastes/values?

they're clones haven't you heard? Don't get bit by them or you'll be one of them :erk:
The thing I can relate to that most people use to glorify the first 2 albums is the "mood" factor. In spite of the shitty production, some amazing, transcendental atmospheric moments were achieved ... like the gradual crescendo in The Night and the Silent Water, for example.

The thing is, for me, I enjoy those moments immensely, and there really are no bad riffs or ideas on either album... I just think the actual songwriting itself was lacking. Some people like that - the lack of regard for song structure and instead concentrating on transitions and how well the pieces actually fit together, even if as a song it's just a long string of Riff A going to Riff B going to Riff C etc. etc. But for me, it interferes with my enjoyment of those albums ... to get to those moments I love, I have to sit through a song that to my ears sounds thrown together, and that sounds long just for the sake of being long (Black Rose Immortal has some amazing moments, but it is very hard for me to sit through all 20 minutes ... and this is coming from a fan of classical music, so it's definitely not an attention span issue). The riffs, ideas, and melodies in and of themselves are fine, it's just the way they were presented ...

The point of this post is - It seems like most Opeth fans are either on one side or the other - you either love the first 2 albums and think they're more TR00 than what came after and think Morningrise is their epochal masterpiece, OR, you didn't jump on board until D&D or GR and can't understand what the big deal is about the early shit.

My first Opeth album was actually MAYH, which could explain why I'm somewhere in the middle. I dig the old style for what was great about it, but I am still amazed by how the band continues to grow - in songwriting, musicianship, dynamics, the progressive aspects - and most of all, and this is why GR resonates so much with me, in terms of sheer emotion. I think GR is a HUGE, HUGE step in a better direction for the band, probably the best transition since the one from MAYH to Still Life. I think the talk about selling out and waaah they made a video they don't care about being tr00 anymore waaaaaaaah, is bullshit. Opeth are indeed becoming more popular, but maybe, just MAYBE, could that be because the music is actually getting better? Nah, couldn't be the music. It's because they signed to RR. :rolleyes:

There's a school of metalheads and music fans in general that seem to believe that when something starts pulling in more fans, it must be losing substance and integrity ... I can think of no better argument against this than GR. It is a brilliant album. The songwriting is better. The musicianship is tighter. The rhythmic ideas are more interesting. The melodies are more singable and memorable, even the growls (oooooh, that must be a bad thing! memorable = pop music!) The lyrics are more compelling. The keyboards are seamlessly integrated into a sound that took years to develop - not an easy feat. And IMHO, the old-school-Opeth atmosphere still pops up from time to time (the section with the harmonics in Harlequin forest comes to mind).

Just my .02, flame away if you must...
I appreciate all the albums. They all show a snapshot of the band at a particular place in their development, and of course they reflect the development and maturity of experience. Orchid and Morningrise show perhaps an aspiration to something the band weren't quite ready to create. Despite this, the albums are full of great ideas and engrossing atmospherics (as FreakAccident noted) and probably benefit from their rawer style of production.
NineFeetUnderground said:
^ good post. i cant add anything more to that.

I agree, great post!

That's pretty much how I feel as well. I love GR and think it's one of their best albums. I really don't care if other people hate it.

If you don't like it, there's no one putting a gun to your head and forcing you to listen to it which is what a lot of people are acting like. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, there is no rule that says you have to like every single album a band you like puts out. Don't like it? That's fine! You have plenty of other Opeth albums you can listen to. There are a lot of bands that I like that put out not-so-great albums, but I don't spend my days on forums bashing them and accusing them of "selling out" just because they signed to a record label that I don't like. People need to understand that there are a lot worse things in life than Roadrunner Records and keyboards on an Opeth album.
i think the worse part about this thread, is not because of what 1st post said, but because he made a whole new thread about a topic already discussed a thousand times....
NineFeetUnderground said:
^ good post. i cant add anything more to that.

If you added anything, you may as well read War and Peace.

How self absorbed can people be to feel that anyone is that interested in what they think about a f--king group.

Hello!!! Wake up people...it's a band. This over analysis is unbelievable.
schenkadere said:
If you added anything, you may as well read War and Peace.

How self absorbed can people be to feel that anyone is that interested in what they think about a f--king group.

Hello!!! Wake up people...it's a band. This over analysis is unbelievable.

isnt bitching about how other people choose to spend their time overly discussing bands even more pathetic? why are you even here then?
schenkadere said:
If you added anything, you may as well read War and Peace.

How self absorbed can people be to feel that anyone is that interested in what they think about a f--king group.

Hello!!! Wake up people...it's a band. This over analysis is unbelievable.

Uh ... this is an Opeth forum, no? Isn't this where people gather to talk about the band Opeth? By default, aren't we all assuming that other people are interested in what we have to say about the band Opeth? Isn't almost every thread in this forum about the band Opeth? Doesn't just about every post contain someone's opinion?

I'm new to the forum, I read a thread that I found interesting, and I posted my thoughts on it. I had a lot to say, and some free time (must mean I have no life, right?). Doesn't make me self-absorbed, doesn't necessarily mean I give a shit what you think, or whether or not you think I should care what anyone else thinks. As far as overanalysis goes, my post was full of general statements and cited all of 2 brief passages of music in an attempt to sum up a band's entire 10+-year-long career. You want to see some overanalysis, go check out a Tool forum.

Most people on this board are here because they feel passionately one way or another about the band Opeth (eg, to some people who actually give a fuck about good music, Opeth is more than "just a band"). If you don't want to read what we have to say, whether it's 2 words or 5 paragraphs, don't read it. Simple fucking solution.

EDIT: Oops, NineFeet beat me to the punch. Still, you should fuck the fuck off.
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