Mikael Help me out here

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FreakAccident said:
Mr. Intellectual,

Can I hear some of your music? I'd imagine that by the age of 40 you must have something recorded. Please post something for all of us, so we know you're not just another arrogant douchebag guitarist with nothing to support his delusions of grandeur. Lemme tell ya, you sound REALLY mature for your age, buddy.

I'm sorry. I have trouble believing a 40-year-old with 1,700 posts in internet forums can have found enough time to become truly musically proficient. It seems more interesting to you to get involved in Internet pussy fights with people half your age. I'll tell you what, if by the age of 40, I think I have anything whatsoever to prove to kids in an internet forum, I will know I have failed at life, and I will stick my head in an oven.

Mr. Intellectual, thank you for giving me a laugh today. I at least owe you that. Thank you.

- Opeth Geek

Damn...that is a lot of posts...I gotta get a life...thanks for the advice...you guys rock...and Opeth rules :headbang:
Aarohi said:
Well expressed, but I truely disagree with you on a lot of levels (and agree on some others at the same time).

Fair enough. We'll agree to disagree.

I'm still not sure if GR was written with commercial aim, but again, the most important thing for me is that the substance and integrity of the album didn't suffer, IMO. It's still very much an Opeth album. It's just different. I will agree that the flow isn't the same as earlier stuff, but I hear that same problem on Deliverance. I don't mind hearing an album that sounds more like a bunch of different tracks, if the songs are good.
The problem with most of you shits on this forum is that you don't realise that your opinion is subjective, as is anyone's. Saying shit like "this is good that is memorable, that is bad "etc. is not a definitive statement about something. It's just your point of view. I don't see really any of you back up your point of view with any credible or substancial insight about any of your opinions either. Besides that if you did have a credible or substancial insight into what you are saying you would know that saying something is good or bad either way is a complete waste of time. Responding with gibberish like, but it's my opinion I am entitled to is just a cover to justify that you really have nothing to say half the time. This whole debate about whether Ghost Reveries is a good or bad album is pretty fucking retard if you ask me. Either you like it or you don't. Musing over whether it is too commerical or not is completely arbitrary. To tell you the truth from a technical point of view that record actually does quite a few things that are quite complex in terms of composition, for example some of their use of antedcedent and consequent phrasing, and the type of parallel motion they employ. Whether that makes it good or bad is a matter of opinion. I would guess that 90% of the people on this forum never heard of Opeth prior to delieverance anyway, since most of you are obviously only just post teenagers. The other thing I think most of you don't get is that Opeth really wouldn't give a flying fuck what any of you shitheads think about their music to be honest, and why would they? Can you imagine sitting there writting a piece of music thinking to yourself, "gee I hope this is metal enough for the troo legions of kvltposers"?

As for that guitarwanker who wants to challenge people to a duel, if you think music is a contest you can win you already fail. You are just like these other shits arguing about how their opinion is better than everyone elses and still having no idea what they are talking about.
Nothinggod said:
The problem with most of you shits on this forum is that you don't realise that your opinion is subjective, as is anyone's. Saying shit like this is good that is memorable, that is bad etc. is not a definitive statement about something. It's just your point of view. I don't see really any of you back up your point of view with any credible or substancial insight about any of your opinions either. Besides that if you did have a credible or substancial insight into what you are saying you would know that saying something is good or bad either way is a complete waste of time. Responding with gibberish like, but it's my opinion I am entitled to is just a cover to justify that you really have nothing to say half the time. This whole debate about whether Ghost Reveries is a good or bad album is pretty fucking retard if you ask me. Either you like it or you don't. Musing over whether it is too commerical or not is completely arbitrary. To tell you the truth from a technical point of view that record actually does quite a few things that are quite complex in terms of composition, for example some of their use of antidcedent and consequent prasing, and the type of parallel motion they employ. Whether that makes it good or bad is a matter of opinion. I would guess that 90% of the people on this forum never heard of Opeth prior to delieverance anyway, since most of you are obviously only just post teenagers. The other thing I think most of you don't get is that Opeth really wouldn't give a flying fuck what any of you shitheads think about their music to be honest, and why would they? Can you imagine sitting there writting a piece of music thinking to yourself, "gee I hope this is metal enough for the troo legions of kvltposers"?

As for that guitarwanker who wants to challenge people to a duel, if you think music is a contest you can win you already fail. You are just like these other shits arguing about how their opinion better than everyone elses and still having no idea what they are talking about.

"antidcedent and consequent prasing, and the type of parallel motion they employ"

Which college music composition textbook did you quote that from?

I could win a contest if I had the same pickups that Opeth uses.:rolleyes:

You make sense...but don't be such a narcissistic egoist and maybe you'll get your point across to your fellow fans.

Music being a contest, shred challenges...that's foolishness...I eat and breathe music, I was just toying around. And no, i don't make my living doing it...I didn't fail at it, just never desired to pursue it...it doesn't make me less of a musician, nor does it make me less of music lover.

I hope you can all admit that Opeth has got to be the most overrated band to come around in a long while. I feel their melodies, chord structure and overall composition is very predictible for a band with such a lofty reputation. Their live show was a complete bore...they need to realize their audience.

The one album that grew on me is Damnation. I first enjoyed Blackwater Park, but tired of it quickly...Still Life? I don't get the hype over that one.

Oh well, to each his own...enjoy your music! Keep on guitarwanking!:headbang:
schenkadere said:
I hope you can all admit that Opeth has got to be the most overrated band to come around in a long while. I feel their melodies, chord structure and overall composition is very predictible for a band with such a lofty reputation. Their live show was a complete bore...they need to realize their audience.
wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong
Don't assume I am a fan of anything for a start. What I like and dislike is beside the point and being fanatical about any given band is a waste of my time. As for your fucking retarded assertion that anything I know comes from reading a 'college' textbook, grow up junior, just because you don't know what it means don't go pissing in my pocket with your 15 year old par shortage mentality. As for egotistical, I'm not the one challenging people to a shred off or saying such and such is overrated like I am an authority on anything. If you were you wouldn't have even bothered questioning that I mentioned antecedence and consequence. While you are at it, why don't you tell me exactly what is predictable about them, just for the sake of argument.
Earl Grey is good, in my opinion. Also macca and oolong cha are quite good too as well as chinese white tea.
Nothinggod said:
Don't assume I am a fan of anything for a start. What I like and dislike is beside the point and being fanatical about any given band is a waste of my time. As for your fucking retarded assertion that anything I know comes from reading a 'college' textbook, grow up junior, just because you don't know what it means don't go pissing in my pocket with your 15 year old par shortage mentality. As for egotistical, I'm not the one challenging people to a shred off or saying such and such is overrated like I am an authority on anything. If you were you wouldn't have even bothered questioning that I mentioned antecedence and consequence. While you are at it, why don't you tell me exactly what is predictable about them, just for the sake of argument.

Oh your not saying you're an authority...ask the posters here that you are calling shits. Mr. Cerebral.

The guitar thing was just stupid fun...don't be such a dope.

If being fanatical about a band is a waste of your valuable time, then what would you call this nonsense? I'm sure you have much more important work to be doing...composing a symphony? conducting an orchestra maybe? curing cancer?

I don't know what those things mean? Yes...I'm sure you are far more studied in music than I am. Now isn't that as well a "fucking retarded assertion"? Oh yes...and it's antecedents and consequence...not antidcedent and consequent prasing(I believe the word is phrasing), and not antecedence and consequence...learn to spell, "junior".

You're a funny guy, getting all fired up.:lol: A little silly isn't it? Oooo...that will deserve a few more "fucks" and "shitheads" among other creative language.

You must be the reincarnation of Paul Hindemith.:worship:
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