Mikael the comedian

Dante's Inferno

Demon Of The Fall
Nov 27, 2005
Blackwater Park, Norway
I hear that Mike is quite the comedian onstage. Unfortunately, I've never seen them live, so I can't back that fact. But I've seen some funny lines he've outted. So share your best lines here. Hey, maybe someday we'll hear him say "this is a song about Ned Beatty squeling like a pig, it's called Deliverance". :)
He does bring humor to the stage, and does it well.
I seem to recall him saying, "That is the way we play drums in Sweden. It sounds more evil, and more ...sexy."

Sexy and evil, like my last girlfriend! hhhiisssss She's not as cool as Opeth though. There was more funny shit, but I can't remember it now.
When I saw them at SotU, Mike was talking about Ghost Reveries and said something to the effect of:

"If you don't like the new album, then you can get down there, and uh, I dunno, suck my buddies cock"

*ensuing laughter from the crowd*

"Thanks Devin"
On the last show in Amsterdam:

Mike said that Holland had the best fans blablablabla......
people shouted: "Asskisser!!!!!"
Mike responded by giving us all the finger accompanied by: "You don't do that to me!!" Smiling off course!! :dopey:

Mike: "This next song..."

Someone in the crowd who knew the setlist for the tour: "DELIVERANCE!"

"Now that you say that we're going to play an acoustic version of Smoke On The Water"
and the band started to play Smoke On The Water
I'm glad i didn't shout out the setlist at the gig i went to last!
I wish i could remember half the stuff he said at the gig, i was cracking up loads at times! Especially at his descriptions of the band members.
Yeah, he said that each member was a different one and that Peter was him, and he was wearing his Peter suit. He also keeps going on aboot how they will play 'kokrock' {sic} and other descriptions of their music.
1. at the last show i was at, on nov.8th, atlanta... mike was saying that he wrote deliverance right after having a dream about burt reynolds. i then screamed out BURT FUCKIN' REYNOLDS, then mike said this song wouldnt be possible without... "Burt Fuckin Reynolds" i felt important... lol

2. at one point in the show somebody goes "WHEN" and he goes "fucking internet"

3. he says we're a serious band, some guy screams "Like GWAR!!" and mike says yes, like gwar
when they were in SF on the 13th last month mikael said in this little girly voice "We come from Sweden" and it was funny
between songs he also said "I want you to do us two favors--" then a guy from the crowd interupted and said "NO!" then mike said "No? Fuck off! I want you to do us two favors, one: i want you to each give us a 100 dollar bill, two: naked"
and it was funny when he was introducing the members, I don't remember all of it but when he was introducing peter he called him "a tad bit.. gay"
Hehe, the introducing thing is cool. In the shows in Holland I believe he said something about Peter liking little boys. He introduced Mendez as 'the man with the biggest bassguitar on the planet', or something like that.

At a moment the crowd started yelling: 'Opeth moet een liedje zingen, hi-ha-ho!' (means something like: 'Opeth has to sing a song, hi-ha-ho!'), Mike responded with: 'Is that Dutch folk music or something? It is as bad as in Sweden!', haha. Can't remember the rest.
Benighted Joe said:
On the concert in Sweden he said plenty of fun stuff. He is even more fun when talking Swedish since, well, yeah... He's swedish :)

Too bad I'm not able to tell you guys - It wouldn't be funny to you. Sorry :/ :)
Yeah. You'd need to watch the swedish movie "Strul" to understand half of the jokes. And many other jokes were kinda internal swedish jokes anyway. :D
'This next song is about fucking someone in the ass' (Deliverance)

Friend: 'Hows your wife? Hows Melinda?'
Mike: 'Melinda isnt my wife! But my wife is fine, and my girl is also fine... That wasn't very metal!'
Another Friend 'OK then, hows Satan?'
Mike: 'I'm fine'
ChrisEmerson said:
'This next song is about fucking someone in the ass' (Deliverance)

Friend: 'Hows your wife? Hows Melinda?'
Mike: 'Melinda isn't my wife! But my wife is fine, and my girl is also fine... That wasn't very metal!'
Another Friend: 'OK then, hows Satan?'
Mike: 'I'm fine'

This definitely goes to my sig.
2. at one point in the show somebody goes "WHEN" and he goes "fucking internet"

I don't get this...
At the Nov. 12th show in Florida in between songs just before playing In My Time of Need...he was talking about the album... (Damnation...for those who don't know)

He said something along the lines of "We wrote this album with the sole purpose to get chicks..."

Someone in the crowds screams, "Did it work?!"

Mike: "It didn't work"...