Mikael the comedian

chomps said:
2. at one point in the show somebody goes "WHEN" and he goes "fucking internet"

I don't get this...

The guy who shouted "WHEN" knew this song would be played now becasue he obviously had read the setlist on internet.

Mike gets a little pissed becasue everybody already knows the setlist.

That`s it :)
Mikes sense of humour is imaculate. Nice to see him take a page out of Devs book. haha...
In Essen/Germany Mikael said something like: "Well, we've learned a bit german. I guess it goes like this: Mein Hund ist dunkelblau!" (in english: My dog is blue.) :D

Introducing "in my time of need" Mike said: "I want to hear everyone of you singing! And if you don't sing, we'll let the next album sound like scooter!" (Scooter is an awful German Techno Band!) At this point EVERYONE was laughing.:tickled:

Right after "in my time of need" someone in the crowd screamed: "SCOOTER!" and "Hypa, Hypa" (typical senseless Phrase of Scooter). Mikael statement: "Would you please leave?":loco:
I saw them last summer at Sziget in Hungary.
I don't remember how he got to it, but the story went something like this:

"When I was young, we used to dance to slow songs by the Scorpions to get chicks. But you also have to remember that we used to worship Satan."

And then he started listing demons...

"Satan, the Devil, Beelzebub, Azmodeus, ABBA, Leviathan, Yngwie fuckin' Malmsteen!"

Laughed my ass off.
What makes him all the funnier is how drole he is. Also most of the time he is speaking in his second language, and I know how well most swedes speak english, but to have a sense of humour that dry and advanced in a second language is insane. I would love to be able to understand Swedish just to see how much funnier he woudl be in his native tongue. Also he changes what he says most gigs as opposed to having a set formula, and he can react to the crowd. All in all one hell of a funny bastard I'd say.
Benighted Joe said:
On the concert in Sweden he said plenty of fun stuff. He is even more fun when talking Swedish since, well, yeah... He's swedish :)

Too bad I'm not able to tell you guys - It wouldn't be funny to you. Sorry :/ :)

Yeh.. I know that foreign jokes don't tend to translate well. There was some polish joke i knew about a polish and russian solider who were on opposite sides of the river, and the punchline was something weird like they had a competition to drink loads of water. It was something along those lines - maybe Wreath might know it?!
Yes, Mikael is quite the comedian.

At the Philly show, some funny stuff was

Crowd Member #1: "Where's Steve Wilson?!"
Mikael: "Why do people yell random things? Do I have Steve Wilson locked in my trunk or something?"

Somebody yelled out "KATATONIA" and Mike goes, "We don't have them on this tour. We don't tour with every band you know. We should take Slipknot on tour next and lock them in our trunk" or something to that effect anyway.

He introduced Deliverance the same way, saying he was dreaming about Burt Reynolds and sex when he wrote it
The constant references to burt reynolds and gay sex that mikael is always pointing out make me wonder..... yeah... hmmmmm.. i wonder...
worldwide_suicide said:
The constant references to burt reynolds and gay sex that mikael is always pointing out make me wonder..... yeah... hmmmmm.. i wonder...

Make you wonder what? He's referring to this movie starring Burt Reynolds where Ned Beatty's character gets raped by another dude. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068473/

At the concert I went to in Cleveland on 11/6 while introducing Deliverance and the usual Burt Renoyld's and ass raping bit, he deadpanned, "I always wanted to set sodomy to music."
Friend: 'Hows your wife? Hows Melinda?'
Mike: 'Melinda isn't my wife! But my wife is fine, and my girl is also fine... That wasn't very metal!'
Another Friend: 'OK then, hows Satan?'
Mike: 'I'm fine'

hahahaha. It's really really funny. He's my Mike :D.
I heard this in a video bootleg I have: (dont remember which city but it was in USA )

a fan in crowd: KATATONIA!!!!!
Mikael: What about them?
Fan: Tour with them in USA!!
Mikael: Well... Touring with Katatonia..takes more effort than doing nine years of high school... And their singer, Jonas, who's my best friend.. also the laziest motherfucker I'v ever known!
Taken from 2005-09-17-Opeth-Live_in_Hamburg Bootleg :D

Mikael: Do you know Nickelback? I heard their singer is a huge Opeth fan. Can you believe it? Also Will Smith is a big Opeth fan. Did you know that Bryan Adams is obsessed with King diamond? It's true. I wouldn't come up with this, you know, I wouldnt make up this joke.. It's fucking true!

haha you gotta hear this from his voice...it's hillarous:D
opeth_353 said:
Yeh.. I know that foreign jokes don't tend to translate well. There was some polish joke i knew about a polish and russian solider who were on opposite sides of the river, and the punchline was something weird like they had a competition to drink loads of water. It was something along those lines - maybe Wreath might know it?!

Didn't really catch that joke. Are you sure? :)
worldwide_suicide said:
The constant references to burt reynolds and gay sex that mikael is always pointing out make me wonder..... yeah... hmmmmm.. i wonder...

He introduced Still Life by saying that he was masturbating when he wrote it...
Dreadful said:
I bought "Deliverance" for my dad last Father's Day. Must have for any DVD collection.

A DVD called Deliverance? WTF?

Brackofthemountain said:
He introduced Still Life by saying that he was masturbating when he wrote it...

A song called Still Life? WTF?
at the SA show ...he also mentioned writing Damnation jsut for teh sole purpose of gettin Chix...hahahah.......that was funny....though thorught out the setlest.....he seemed apologetic for playin teh ballads...which I thought was insane...coz the ballads are awesome...i guess he doent liek playin ballads....hahaha......PEAC EOUT