Mikael: What's going on with the band?

Hello guys!

Good to know that you're still interested in us!
Yes, I'm writing, and so far I'm working on three different new songs. They're turning out great I believe. I've used a wierd open tuning for 2 of them and also some keyboards (gasp!). It sounds like a technical cross between Celtic Frost, Rainbow and some gregorian chants. We're gonna start rehearsing material as it comes along too.

I've also been doing 8 bits for a upcoming short film which turned out great, but obviously not Opeth styled.

I also have another project which I'm doing abroad in 10 days. But I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say anything about this yet so....

I have not talked to the other guys that often since we got back home.
Well, I play badminton with Per twice a week, but that's about it.
But I know everybody's fine, an' we're basically resting. Another 2 gigs til a REAL break from touring.

Hang in there!
Take care
Thanks for the reply, good to know you're still with us :).

The whole gregorian chant/celtic frost cross sounds very intriguing to me. I'm really glad you've decided to incorporate keyboards into the music, I've been hoping for Opeth to use keyboards for a while.

We'll keep an eye out for that under-wraps project too, you can be sure.


PS What is this short film you speak of? Sounds interesting :)
hey! I've always wondered what would emerge if you guys used different tunings. nice to hear you're trying new things. I'm sure the new stuff will be awesome :)
Rainbow+celtic frost+gregorian chants = no complaints from me, ill say that much.

badminton...very nice indeed, haha

and im quite happy if Per was indeed added to the lineup permanently.
Interesting mixture... is this a result of your performance on "The Human Equation"? BTW, your vocals on this are REALLY cool and they fit to the other voices on this record.
how about some flute on an Opeth record? Not so Tull-style, but like Ayreon or Dead Soul Tribe maybe?

Hmm, rest from touring? Not so good for us, but I think you deserved it ;-)
Sounds like he's going with what he said as bordering black metal before...

celtic frost + gregorian chants?

Could be AMAZING.
I may be dumb, but what are gregorian chants? What is that like the stuff in black metal or something, cause i heard people saying that it was going to be black metal.

Sounds cool, cant wait for it.