Mikael, when your kids get in trouble do you growl at them?

OC Mike growls at his kids its one of many benefits of being a DM vocalist, plus if Melinda shall take over the vox duties when Mike finally retires, she´d better be well trained :rock:.
It's actually Melinda is the reason why I've come... but same difference yeah. FUNNY THREAD.
i'd pay big bucks to see mikael growl at melinda, but instead of obeying she gives him a wedgie.
As a teacher and growler, I can attest to the fact that it doesn't actually work. They laugh and think me childish :ill:

Yup...I can't growl but that's how I think my classes would react as well. They shut up quite quick though when I heave out a good old warfield bellow...so classical singing training actually works better here :zombie: