Mikael's attack on KsE

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blimey said:
A.K.A. sucking up and apologizing to Mike.
Funny how you say Opeth is boring and lost their "feeling", yet you feel compelled to make a long post to suck up to Mike after he owned your ass.
Yeah, I'd have the decency to apologize to Mike, he at least shows a little kindness with his fans. That's why I'm banned from Katatonia forums, nyström is just a huge dick and I couldn't care less. ;) And because of him, I will never buy a Katatonia record or possible diabolical masquerade reunion records.

I will hold to my statements that Ghost Reveries has lost a lot of the feeling and spontaneousness that was present in Deliverance, and earlier albums. GR is still a fucking kickass record, but it got old waaay too fast. :(
Oinkness said:
Yeah, I'd have the decency to apologize to Mike, he at least shows a little kindness with his fans. That's why I'm banned from Katatonia forums, blakkheim is just a huge dick and I couldn't care less. ;)
Ha. Haven't met/talked to Blakkheim. He makes good music though :).

I'm sure Mike appreciates the apology. We should probably drop this now and just... eat cheese.
Apostle In Triumph said:
Well, I find it to be a bit akward that there is the accounts:
Mikael Åkerfeldt and Mikael Akerfeldt

Mike explained it a while ago, you can't make the real "A" (see, I can't either) on every keyboard, so assuming that he is in Oz right now, it is quite normal. A while ago he did that account, not being able to log to the one with the swedish A.:goggly:

What a damn coincodence! I am eating chili cheese fries... they're delicious but I'm starting to feel sick cause I haven't been able to eat non-diet food lately without getting sick. -_-
Oinkness said:
I didn't mean for this thing to get so big

Oinkness said:
I'm sorry for pissing everyone off and summoning the wrath of Akerfeldt.

Oinkness said:
This whole thing really got out of hand.
No it didn't. It went exactly like the wet dream you had before you created this thread.

Oinkness said:
I was tired and thought it was a valid point for debate, but really - in all honesty, I didn't think it would go this far.

Oinkness said:
I've had a ton of threads deleted or just plain closed or ignored, I thought this would end up being one... but this became one of my best threads ever.
Here we see how "sorry" you are..

Oinkness said:
If I could go back in time, I would stop myself from making this thread.
No you wouldn't.

Oinkness said:
Also, blabbermouth pissed me off by editting Mikael's statements to remove "Oinkness or whatever the fuck your name is" from his sentence. "And is it an attack . . .by saying PRIEST and MAIDEN mean more to me than [KILLSWITCH ENGAGE]?" Because I want to gain attention to myself and my band

Oinkness said:
I will say this again, I'm sorry the thread got so out of hand!

Oinkness said:
I would like to give my apologies to Mikael as well, he had to go through all the trouble of publishing statements about this and have his word printed on BMouth too many times.
Fake, insincere and pathetic.

Oinkness said:
I still love Opeth, even if the feeling is sort of leaving, the band isn't dying so much and some feeling is still there.
Don't be such a fucking pussy. You are a total hypocrite. You shold be embarrased, but in order to be so you would have to have qualities that would prevent you from creating such a transparent trolling thread.

Oinkness said:
I'm going to be here for a long, long time. Maybe another 5 years! :kickass:
I would not unpack my luggage if I were you.

You make me :Puke:

Have a nice day.

Mr Samsara said:


No it didn't. It went exactly like the wet dream you had before you created this thread.


Here we see how "sorry" you are..

No you wouldn't.



Fake, insincere and pathetic.

Don't be such a fucking pussy. You are a total hypocrite. You shold be embarrased, but in order to be so you would have to have qualities that would prevent you from creating such a transparent trolling thread.

I would not unpack my luggage if I were you.

You make me :Puke:

Have a nice day.

Wow how can a mod be such a prick. x_x
blimey said:
Because you fucked up. How is it his fault for showing you that?
I didn't fuck anything, especially not "Up". I've never even met her.

All he did was post a bunch of belligerent shit trying to be a comedian and stir up a thread that was close to being extinguished.
Oinkness said:
I didn't fuck anything, especially not "Up". I've never even met her.

All he did was post a bunch of belligerent shit trying to be a comedian and stir up a thread that was close to being extinguished.

He's not stirring up anything you fucktard (do I have to explain this one to you? It's like fucking retard, except abbreviated), and he's not being a comedian. I think the point of his post was to maybe get you to see that you're hypocrite.
blimey said:
He's not stirring up anything you fucktard (do I have to explain this one to you? It's like fucking retard, except abbreviated), and he's not being a comedian. I think the point of his post was to maybe get you to see that you're hypocrite.
Well, whatever floats your boat, son.

I am leaving this thread. It has served it's purpose.
Petty bitchfights aren't my bag.
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