Mikael's attack on KsE

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Well holy hell this thread exploded since I last checked it this morning.

I'm glad you caught wind of it, Mike. I was wondering what your take on the (obviously sensationalized and blown up out of nothing) article would be. It seems that once you become famous, people start holding you up as some sort of beacon of neutrality.

Thanks for the gigs in Melbourne by the way. I'm disappointed we didn't get to chat for long, but I suppose you guys had a flight to Sydney to catch. I hope Oz has been treating you guys well and I'll catch you all next time you're down.
Mike shouldn't have to defend himself on his OPINION. Though I do agree with him.

Saying KsE was the start of metalcore is completely ignorant. Ever heard of Vision of Disorder? Carnivore? Sick of It All? Zao? Coalesce? Earth Crisis? Evidentally not or else you wouldn't have made that statement.

I've seen KsE live, unfortunately. It seems their guitar player is more concerned with making an ass out of himself than playing songs.

Just like Linkin Park was years ago metalcore is today. It will die soon, like every trend.
AlexGuinness said:
Welcome to the forum.

You neglected to mention one of the most unique American things... the ability to turn everything into an American Rant of pure jingoism.

You have missed the point completely.

Thanks for the welcome.

The charge of my post being part of a chauvinistic American patriotic plot is a tired and unoriginal argument. Anytime someone from America stands up and has an opinion on the world stage about a topic they are just rude and ignorant. Right? But the reality is that such a statement is dismissive and immature. Such arguments speak more about the person using them then the person they are used against.

Are you trying to say that Americans some how invented nationalism? Do we want to get into a discussion of historical nationalism? Clearly Americans didn’t invent nationalism nor are they only people to have ever used it. I seem to remember a quote about making the world British! I could be a bit off on the quote. But I digress. I welcome an open discussion of Opeth/music and likes/dislikes. But don’t generalize against America or American music. Generalizations are the stuff of weak arguments.

Do you expect people to not comment on unfair generalizations? What I discussed about blues/country is fact. It speaks to the cyclical nature of art influencing art. Those European bands then influenced American bands that influenced European bands and so forth. Its not a one way street. At the gates didn’t just pop up uninfluenced nor did KSE. In my humble opinion Mikaels comments do not reflect a proper view of musical history nor do they speak to the truth that artists influence artists back and forth.

Have a great day! I think I am going to step away from the computer and go listen to some music!
Mikael Akerfeldt said:
Wow, just saw the Blabbermouth thing and it really escalated out of control there. All I can say is that the interview has mistakes. For one I didn't compare KE to Priest when I was growing up as...well, they weren't around then. Blabber is also out for drama taking that line as the headlining quote.
I hope people are smart enough to understand that there are US bands that I completely adore...like Nevermore and Tool. I was only talking about the so called metalcore or nu metal scene and it looks as if I was bashing the whole of the US metal scene.

We're jealous? OK, whatever...
Seems a lot of people won't allow me to have or express my taste in music anymore, so I guess I'll have to become a fan of whatever's selling to prove I'm not jealous.

And I've met the guys in KE once and they seemed like nice dudes (not that pretty either), I'd never publically bash a band that didn't deserve it. And is it an attack, Oinkness or whatever the fuck your name is, by saying Priest and Maiden mean more to me than KE?

All of you gotta understand that out of the zillion interviews I do, some will take the so called "good stuff" and put it forward and make me seem like a prick.

Cheers guys

You tell 'em Mike! :rock:
Mikael should have been a real cocky bastard and just say that he doesn't like KSE being compared to Opeth
FUBAR said:
I remember Jesse Leach saying that Opeth was his fav band and that he used to do the old walk through a forest whilst listening to them thing, interesting eh
Yeah I can definitely see an Opeth influence in Killswitch, ie.

Killswitch Engage - A Bid Farewell

Opeth - To Bid You Farewell

totally gr1m and kvlt !!!!
captfb said:
I like Opeth and KSE. I also like Priest and Maiden. As has been stated musical taste is a matter of personal opinion. EVERYONE is entitled to like and dislike what they want. EVERYONE is entitled to to speak their minds. But to declare that the USA is unique for producing pop, I give you ABBA (from Sweden) perhaps the most pop and shallow music ever! What about Roxette or Ace of Base or The Army of Lovers. (all pop from Sweden)

The USA is not unique for producing pop. Pop music is just as big if not bigger in Europe and Japan. Where do you think nysnc got their start in Europe! Let’s remember that rock n roll started out as a mixture of blues and country. Both of which are American inventions. European bands such as Led Zeppelin and the Beatles then took the blues/country sound and copied many aspects. Lets not forget that Sabbath/Ozzy itself was influenced by blues and the Beatles (another band influenced by American blues/country) So instead of pointing the finger at the USA people might want to see that musicians are helpless to not emulate that which influenced them. Besides hardcore is also an American invention KSE took aspects of American hardcore and mixed it with classic metal.

So Mikael, I like your music and I like hearing you speak out. Please try to refrain from sweeping generalizations while making an argument. Please also take a look at the world’s pop production/consumption. Please also realize that without the USA there would be no rock n roll or metal or death metal etc. That is just musical fact.

Besides I liken these comments to a marketing technique. Attack that which is popular and you get your name on that popular train.

Oh, lord...

Mike just voices his opinion opinion about why he doesent like todays metal scene and you make it sound like he is in denial that Sweden has produced bad pop music. Please. And how come you bring up bands like Abba? Abba is not even metal, Mike was talking about the metal scene and i don't think Abba fits in there.

He just states that especially(please don't read exclusively) america is producing crap pop/crap metal for stupid mallcore kids.

You must be really stupid to read:

''Especially in America, it seems to be a little trend-goin’... it’s corporate business. The bands feel manufactured, almost like boy bands with guitars. I don’t want my bands to be fucking pretty.”

as that he declares only america produces pop.

''But to declare that the USA is unique for producing pop''

Personally I don't really care about what anyone in the music buisness says to someone but when people like you and Oinkness who are clearly to confused to missunderstand something as simple as that quote.
LunarSea said:
haif of Victory Records.

My favourite modern hardcore band died the instant they got signed to Victory :waah:

why with honor....why....why... :waah:

and i can't stop laughing at the guy who tried to call Opeth 'pseudo-intellectuals'....as if any of their musical content has ever suggested that :goggly:
Death_To_False_Metal said:
Pfff... what's the fucking big deal that they made it to the grammies ??

This tr00 metal mentality makes no sense to me !

i personally don't care about how popular the band is, I like plenty of popular 'mainstream bands'.

I love Hardcore, and I love Metal, but to me, metalcore (this style) is just an amalgamation of the worst elements of both....it doesnt belong in the same spectrum as either. I hate to see bands like Killswitch Engage compared to bands like Gorilla Biscuits.

and yes...there are metal bands that are far worse than metalcore bands...and hardcore bands that are worse...i'm just saying in general.

I still listen to metalcore, not so much this brand (not to say i don't), but nevertheless, it still gets some rotation.
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