Mikael's attack on KsE

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Tjena, Micke. Tycker det verkar väldigt dumt av Blabbermouth att göra sådär, med tanke på att de drivs av Roadrunner Records. Måste vara någon ny trend det där med att hänga ut sina egna band. Hur som helst så ser jag vad du menar när du jämför dem med svensk metal.

Originally Posted by Hubster
Originally Posted by Pethical
FUCK YES! Respect for liking australian bands from the other side of the world. they need more recognition. may i recommend:
ne obliviscaris
stone wings
mournful congregation
abyssic hate
the furor
vanishing point

and a million others.

You can add The Amenta and Mortal Sin to that list Peth!

+ the best australian band easily --> Alchemist

ah yes of course, my bad. i knew i had forgotten someone. alchemist are, imo, an australian band who deserve to be huge, along with ne obliviscaris that is.
Oinkness said:
Go ahead, flame me. But the guitarists are better at what they do, and their vocalist is great too, and could sing circles around Mike. :o Unlike Opeth, they can play music over 70 BPM.... they can play fast-paced stuff, and slow mellow stuff. In that way, they are similar to Opeth. :o

They've also got a completely different attitude than Opeth.... they're not disrespectful and negative, nor have huge egos.

Furthermore, who would compare Killswitch to maiden or priest?
KsE is obviously a lot better than both today. :P

1. Have you ever heard KSE live...Vocalist is absolute shite compared to Mike. This is also an invalid point as there are massive amounts of vocalists that sing circles around ANY many vocalist.

2. If you have ever learnt an opeth song you will realise that the tempo to the songs are much much faster than 70bpm.

3. A KSE song consists of Starting riffx4, Verse, Chorus, verse, Generic Hardcore beat down, then moving swiftly to a guitar doing some really bad hammeron pull off riff in the key required.

4. I dont know how you judge good guitarists but KSE's lack of imagination Make them absoloutley awful guitarists.

5. Every fucking band can switch from clean to distortion, the difference with Opeth and KSE is that KSE do it to make their songs more listenable for depressed teens. Opeth do it because its a part of their 'Heritage'.

I remember Jesse Leach saying that Opeth was his fav band and that he used to do the old walk through a forest whilst listening to them thing, interesting eh
Jesus Fucking Christ...

Sadly, I don't think Oinkness was joking. I cannot recall a single post of his on any of the forums that has any benefit to the content. Certainly, even in this thread, he reinforces his naïvity and inability to understand anything beyond his own limited confines and personal opinion. He is a credit to nobody.

Mikael may not have chosen his words as carefully as he perhaps would in retrospect, but the comments are accurate and truthful.

As a metal DJ I get all sorts of requests. I have become used to KsE, although they are not totally my cup of tea. The reason I have warmed to them is that I can appreciate the obvious Gothenburg influence that has come through their sound.

I have on many occasions described bands like (and specifically) KsE as Nu-Metal that has discovered Swedish Metal. You may or may not agree, I personally don't care. If you want to hear the influence go back to At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity, In Flames (before you start, I am referring to the 90s with these bands, I am not interested in how intelligent slagging off bands makes you feel), Sacrilege, Crown Of Thorns, Liers In Wait, Gates Of Ishtar, Cemetary, etc., etc...

There are no shortage of bands in the States that are pumping out the same kind of mass appeal media loved sounds. Mikael's point stands.

Finally, Oinkness: You have not rejuvinated the forum, your posts are indicative of the decline of quality on here over the years. I wish that the moderators would remove you from the boards, for the benefit of everyone.
A friend of mine and occasional poster to this board once described KsE as a cross between a bad Slayer tribute band and Spandau Ballet. I'm looking forward to their chuggy version of Gold and other 80s classics.
It was not a attack on Killswitch well i didn't read into it that way he is kind of right for the good bands like Tool and Nevermore you get some stuff that is classed as something new in America bands like As I lay Dying ( At The Gate worship with pretty boys) Bleeding Through,HIMSA,Killswitch,Still Remains,Trivium and haif of Victory Records. But if you like that stuff then fine we all know who started that sound anyway. It is not just America though Europe has some crap like Bullet For My Valentine.
Someone mentioned Daylight Dies :rock:

I had a feeling Mike would notice this thread & respond. I'm glad to hear the man has explained his words. Obviously, it's easy for us to respond to a short quote or a statement taken out of context.

Glad to hear some props being handed out to Tool & Nevermore !
Hey Mike, please post again and say hi to me. Just kidding.
You're a good man and dont have to defend anything you say. Very few bands compare to Opeth's brilliance. Killswitch, Simple PLan, Sum 41, Corn, Limp Biscuit and the others may or may not be nice but their music does indeed suck. I'd rather listen to the assholes to write good music like Yngwie and Blackmore and of course Opeth, but you arent assholes. You/Pete are awesome... and I guess same with the others as well.

Oh yeah, best example I can think of when referring to pretty boys wannabe a metal band.

Avenged Sevenfold. They suck balls.

Now back to KSE. When I met the guys they were all really cool. Maybe the music is rehashed & repetitive. I don't care. It's still good, lets get drunk & go crazy rock. I'd rather be drunk ( or any condition ) at an Opeth show, but KSE is ok with me.
I like Opeth and KSE. I also like Priest and Maiden. As has been stated musical taste is a matter of personal opinion. EVERYONE is entitled to like and dislike what they want. EVERYONE is entitled to to speak their minds. But to declare that the USA is unique for producing pop, I give you ABBA (from Sweden) perhaps the most pop and shallow music ever! What about Roxette or Ace of Base or The Army of Lovers. (all pop from Sweden)

The USA is not unique for producing pop. Pop music is just as big if not bigger in Europe and Japan. Where do you think nysnc got their start in Europe! Let’s remember that rock n roll started out as a mixture of blues and country. Both of which are American inventions. European bands such as Led Zeppelin and the Beatles then took the blues/country sound and copied many aspects. Lets not forget that Sabbath/Ozzy itself was influenced by blues and the Beatles (another band influenced by American blues/country) So instead of pointing the finger at the USA people might want to see that musicians are helpless to not emulate that which influenced them. Besides hardcore is also an American invention KSE took aspects of American hardcore and mixed it with classic metal.

So Mikael, I like your music and I like hearing you speak out. Please try to refrain from sweeping generalizations while making an argument. Please also take a look at the world’s pop production/consumption. Please also realize that without the USA there would be no rock n roll or metal or death metal etc. That is just musical fact.

Besides I liken these comments to a marketing technique. Attack that which is popular and you get your name on that popular train.

I would just like to say that Mike should attack KSE physically next time. He could lead them to a man-devouring toilet or lock them up with poisonous snakes, or kidnap them and have some huge guy bully them. Just some original suggestions.

Btw this might be a good idea for one of the inverted articles at the Treehouse of Death, metal bands terrorising each other, bands claiming the attacks etc... Destroying record studios.
captfb said:
I like Opeth and KSE. I also like Priest and Maiden. As has been stated musical taste is a matter of personal opinion. EVERYONE is entitled to like and dislike what they want. EVERYONE is entitled to to speak their minds. But to declare that the USA is unique for producing pop, I give you ABBA (from Sweden) perhaps the most pop and shallow music ever! What about Roxette or Ace of Base or The Army of Lovers. (all pop from Sweden)

The USA is not unique for producing pop. Pop music is just as big if not bigger in Europe and Japan. Where do you think nysnc got their start in Europe! Let’s remember that rock n roll started out as a mixture of blues and country. Both of which are American inventions. European bands such as Led Zeppelin and the Beatles then took the blues/country sound and copied many aspects. Lets not forget that Sabbath/Ozzy itself was influenced by blues and the Beatles (another band influenced by American blues/country) So instead of pointing the finger at the USA people might want to see that musicians are helpless to not emulate that which influenced them. Besides hardcore is also an American invention KSE took aspects of American hardcore and mixed it with classic metal.

So Mikael, I like your music and I like hearing you speak out. Please try to refrain from sweeping generalizations while making an argument. Please also take a look at the world’s pop production/consumption. Please also realize that without the USA there would be no rock n roll or metal or death metal etc. That is just musical fact.

Besides I liken these comments to a marketing technique. Attack that which is popular and you get your name on that popular train.


Welcome to the forum.

You neglected to mention one of the most unique American things... the ability to turn everything into an American Rant of pure jingoism.

You have missed the point completely.
Oinkness said:
Go ahead, flame me. But the guitarists are better at what they do, and their vocalist is great too, and could sing circles around Mike. :o Unlike Opeth, they can play music over 70 BPM.... they can play fast-paced stuff, and slow mellow stuff. In that way, they are similar to Opeth. :o

They've also got a completely different attitude than Opeth.... they're not disrespectful and negative, nor have huge egos.

Furthermore, who would compare Killswitch to maiden or priest?
KsE is obviously a lot better than both today. :P

Woah woah woah there.

First of all, are you forgetting what forum you're posting in?

This is the OPETH forum.

Say it with me - the OPETH forum.

Ok, now that we got this out of the way, let me tell you I myself am a fan of both bands. Just for the record, I like Opeth more.

Now let's go to your comments.

The guitarists are better at what they do? What the fuck?
Better at technique? Solos? CREATIVITY? I don't think so.
Sure their guitarists are good but their riffs are completely different to Opeth so I don't think there's any comparison here.

Now as far as vocals are concerned, I think it's a no-brainer that Mikael is far better than Howard. Mikael can scream, growl and have an amazingly angelic voice at will, whereas howard only has a screamish and a whiney "clean" voice. Not really melodic if you ask me.

Slow and fast don't have much to do with musical ability. Opeth never wanted to sell the image of a thrash or hardcore/whatevercore band. They are melodic progressive death, and that's what they do. Where do you go by being petty and childish?

"Yeah my band can play 30BPM faster than yours! Boohoofooboo!" :rolleyes:

As for their personalities, I think you're overreacting once again. Mikael has become more confident, yes, we can see that. But that doesn't mean suddenly his ego is huge or whatever. And besides, it's just Mikael that made this comment and not Opeth as a whole. It's his personal opinion.

Now that all this's been said, I do agree with you it was uncalled for to call Killswitch Engage manufactured and a boyband with guitars. First of all they're not pretty looking or pretend to be so. I think what Mikael was referring to was their slight trendy-ness but still, I think they're really tallented at what they do and they never pretended to be something else.

And yeah I agree KsE are far better than Maiden and Priest these days. So what if they are "legends"? They're old, and if I don't wanna like them I don't have to respect that fact.
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