Mike PRS

damnit, takamine are great guitars but ive never tried a cf martin (i play a takamine)
If your asking my opinion, PRS guitars aren't as good as the ones Opeth use due to the pick up change....

how do the pickups make the guitar better? pickups are a matter of personal opinion

mike uses mostly custom 24s but he has a modern eagle singlecut trem aswell. the takamine he has is a 12 string and all the other acoustics he has are martins, its a 000 model that he uses most of the time, from memory

im pretty sure that most of the PRS guitars they have, have the original pups in them. but some have seymor duncans, like mikes blue one, and i think one of peters had them aswell. but the modern eagle that mike has, it still has PRS pups in it, whether they are the modern eagle ones or not would be hard to know, as mike probably custom ordered it from PRS

hope this helped, all the specific colours of the custom 24s are on the website, and do a google search, and there are some threads on this forum i think.
PRS guitars are good, but changing the pickups is necessary. Currently they don't build high inpendance pickups that are essential for the heavier material.