Feb 18, 2008
i saw a thread about it some time
ago but i can't find it anymore.

so...anybody here (still) playing it!?

shit is addicting!

i'd like to join a server where people
play fair (no destroying and stealing stuff)
coopereate in building stuff etc.

i have been playing survival mode for weeks now, finally mined enough resources to finally build some extravagant structures.
most of my structures at the moment consist of a home base with watchtower and helipad, and a massive mine which hits bedrock and has mined out the entire size of a massive mountain and cliff range, another watchtower for when i get stranded away from home base with a mine underneath it, and a submarine for when i get stranded when im away from both, being underwater and out at sea so no gangs can get me.
I just purchased this :rofl: ...though I can't play yet, I still get "user not premium" and the server is sooo slow, is it always like this?
For me it is just plain fun to do stupid stuff with friends online.
The addiction comes from mining for ore and diamonds. A bit like Diablo II where you slay monsters just to get a weapon with a slightly better stat. Or from building big, useless structures. But it is also possible to create more complex structures like vendor machines using just "wire", buttons and minecarts etc.
You can also active monsters that spawn at night or in darkness underground and fight them, while you mine for ores to build better protection. There is no goal yet, but the game is still in Beta-State. A lot will change over the next months. So there is not really something to get about the game. :)

They are migrating a Server into the Amazoncloud. Dunno if they are done yet. Its possible because of that. I never experienced the homepage beeing slow before.