Mixing Opportunity for The Empire Shall Fall (ex Killswitch Engage, Jesse Leach vox)


Dec 15, 2007
Sooo I just recently joined a fairly new band on 2nd guitar called The Empire Shall Fall with former Killswitch Engage singer Jesse Leach on vox... We just finished up recording some pre production demos of a few new songs that we will be tracking for our upcoming album in March/April... I wanted to post up the files for one of the songs for you guys to take a crack at as a way to say thanks for all the awesome info over the years and also as a possible opportunity to mix our upcoming album... We will be tracking the album at my studio in Providence, RI which the guys from the band The Dear Hunter (amazing progressive rock band and musicians on Triple Crown Records) and I just started up recently... We are in the process of deciding who will mix the album as I will not have enough free time with other studio work, and school to be able to take on the task in an efficient amount of time... Soo I figured putting up one of our pre production demos would be a good way to audition a possible mixer to take on the roll of the full length... Mixing the full length would obviously be a paid gig that would have to be sorted out at a later date...

I just wanted to make sure there is some interest in this idea before I hosted the files as I will have to bounce everything down tomorrow at the studio... The track I will be posting up is a very dynamic song with heavier passages laced with laid back jazz and trippy sections... So it is not a typical full on metal fest...

There are a couple of real rough DIY demos the band recorded themselves before I joined in December on myspace...


I remixed one of the songs myself called "The Kingdom" but I was working with what you hear quality wise on the other 2 songs (vox printed with effects and no direct signals) soo it was like polishing a turd at times haha... The new pre production demos are much better quality as I tracked the drums at the jam space and handled the guitars at my studio...

Let me know if there is any interest in this and I'll put up the files to download by tomorrow nite or Monday the latest...

Thanks guys....

Holy shit Jesse Leach will be on these tracks!!!??? Fuck yeah!! I will finally get to mix a bad ass vocalist. Please host these files man!

PS: Will there be DIs for guitars and bass and were the drums recorded to a click?
Ok ill bounce down the files today and try to get them up later tonite or tomorrow for people to download... No directs for the guitars but they were tracked pretty well w/ 5150 II at low gain and a tubescreamer soo they should cut well in a mix... the drums were recorded to a click but I don't have the tempo off hand, but if anyone needs it let me know... the bass was recorded direct by the bassist and the vocals were recorded by Jesse at his home studio in NY...
ok so my session ran late tonite at the studio and I didn't get to finish bouncing all the guitars but I'm going to host up the bass, drums, and vox tonite then finishing bouncing the guitars tomorrow nite after my class... So I should have seperate links up to my dropbox for the bass, guitars, drums, and vox to download rar. files of the wavs by tomorrow nite at some point... I will make another post when everything is up to grab... Thanks again for all the interest...

- Marcus