MIXING TIME, SONG2: DI and Midi inside.

Ola - I really appreciate your posting such high quality DI's and drum tracks. It REALLY helps out the guys like me who need to practice their mixing technique.

Anyway - here's my mix. I'd love to hear some critiques. I think I'm getting warmer, but I still can't come up with the quality of the mixes of most of the guys on this board.

Thanks again Ola - you're the man (and your technique as a guitar player is really incredible. Keep it up...)

My attempt - I didn't post the whole song - I didn't want this tune to turn into another Holy Diver (no offense to Marcus.. :))

Ola - I really appreciate your posting such high quality DI's and drum tracks. It REALLY helps out the guys like me who need to practice their mixing technique.

Anyway - here's my mix. I'd love to hear some critiques. I think I'm getting warmer, but I still can't come up with the quality of the mixes of most of the guys on this board.

Thanks again Ola - you're the man (and your technique as a guitar player is really incredible. Keep it up...)

My attempt - I didn't post the whole song - I didn't want this tune to turn into another Holy Diver (no offense to Marcus.. :))


haha thanks Bobby.

Sounds good but it sounds like both guitars are centered?
right - here's mine - i had a few hours to kill http://dl.dropbox.com/u/881304/Mixdown%201.mp3

Tell me what you's think about the low end, mids and high in general because i didn't do this through my Yamaha HS 80M's for this one.

I used my dad's sony headphones i found lying around - I'd like to know if they cut it for basic night time mixing

I also subbed the kick just for shits n giggles so if you have a sub that can go to 40hz Crank that shit n feel it in your balls :lol:

EDIT: i know im late too - lol oh and i know i have some volume automation issues, there are clipping areas etc but fuck it, thats for next time
right - here's mine - i had a few hours to kill http://dl.dropbox.com/u/881304/Mixdown 1.mp3

Tell me what you's think about the low end, mids and high in general because i didn't do this through my Yamaha HS 80M's for this one.

I used my dad's sony headphones i found lying around - I'd like to know if they cut it for basic night time mixing

I also subbed the kick just for shits n giggles so if you have a sub that can go to 40hz Crank that shit n feel it in your balls :lol:

EDIT: i know im late too - lol oh and i know i have some volume automation issues, there are clipping areas etc but fuck it, thats for next time

Nice intro Mick! Overall great sounding mix!
The guitar sound ace dude!

Thanx Ola, but it's all in your fingers.
I didn't need to use a lot of distorton/drive on the Mesa to get a good sound.
It's all the fingers.

Made a new mp3 without the solotrack.
Turned the guitar a bit up, added some tiny mids and added some reverb on the snare. Now you hear the guitars more.

It's actually a bit of 80's thrashmetal eq on the guitars.

Upped the guitars
Thanx Ola, but it's all in your fingers.
I didn't need to use a lot of distorton/drive on the Mesa to get a good sound.
It's all the fingers.

Made a new mp3 without the solotrack.
Turned the guitar a bit up, added some tiny mids and added some reverb on the snare. Now you hear the guitars more.

It's actually a bit of 80's thrashmetal eq on the guitars.

Upped the guitars

That's the beauty when playing hard on the strings. You need less gain and maintain a tight sound.