MLB 2008 - Official Thread

lol, blame your retarded fielders and all those fuck-ups they did. That dive over the railing for the foul fly-ball was pretty br00tal though.
8-2. Much better. Fucking Gnats. And Webb goes to 4-0 in 4 starts tomorrow. Not a bad start to the week.

What do you have against the Giants? Or is it just because they were playing the D-Backs, and you otherwise have nothing against them?
So you've said yourself your baseball knowledge "isn't very extensive". How have the Diamondbacks become faggots? And how were you planning to pick a team to root for? Pick a name from a hat?
I was joking. What I do know is I despise the Shit Bawx Red Sawx, don't particularly want to be a bandwagoner for the popular teams like the Yanks and Cubs. However, I don't want to root for a less popular team for that alone. I just haven't found a team that I like more than a few players on.
I guess Soriano got moderately injured today, which I don't mind, as he hasn't done shit this year. It bothers me that the Cubs have had so many lazy, unlikeable players to root for during their span of moderate success ('03-'08). I think they'll be fine regardless, as they're just a deeper and better team than the Brewers.
I'm about to get on my way to New York for the YANKS-SAWX game tonight. The Yankees have an awful habit of losing to the Sox when I'm there, but hopefully Wang will continue to be awesome and the lineup will continue to produce as they have been the last couple games.
Hate to say it, but he'll likely end up being a disappointment. This coming from an Arizona/Valverde fan for years. He led the majors in saves last year because he got so many more opportunities than anyone else. Teams bought in to it and offered us their riches for a premier closer, which he has never been. He has control problems that have landed him back in the minors almost every year. He's also too emotional, so his control gets worse when he gets pissed when he gets hit. Don't be surprised if he gets a month or two vacation in AAA in June.

I still can't believe the hype on the guy. It's like teams just looked at the saves total and never built a scouting report on him.