MLB 2008 - Official Thread

Tense Sox game in the making. 3 to 3 against the Mariners and Brandon Morrow is gunning down our batters with his 99 mph fastball. Manny Ramirez has hit his 499th home run and Daisuke had to leave the game with an unknown injury.
And another Giants victory over Arizona last night.

And I said that because you keep exclaiming how well Arizona is doing, when twice in a row now they've been beaten by a team that has a pretty shitty record so far this season :lol:
Well to be fair, I've been clear about their struggles since April. And for whatever reason, Arizona is notorious for faceplanting in front of San Francisco. Just one of those weird things that can't be explained... been that way for years. Wouldn't shock me to see them be charitable to Zito tonight.

Anyway, I don't think too many people are worried about the Gnats blasting out of the cellar and making a run for the pennant. A sweep tonight would put them 7 games back. You can very nearly get a whiff of second place from there :p

Besides, didn't you dump SF for Oakland? :Smug:
lol because that's so relevant to my previous observation.

If you're looking for the relevant part to your previous observation, you might try checking the large group of words you deleted from the quote before you posted this.

Mathiäs;7294540 said:
The Gents fucking RAPED your ass, Basilisk

Expert analysis.

No question Arizona played like shit, but I don't think one Gnats series win would be a "rape". They gained a few games on a couple teams playing even worse than they are, and Arizona kept the same lead in the division they had before the series started - the largest division lead in the majors.

The real shitty thing tonight would be Randy's luck. Got a no-decision which delays win number 300, and only tied Clemens' record at number two behind Ryan on the all-time strikeouts list (which is almost like first since that record is untouchable). So he'll break the record on the road at Miller Park :erk: Would have been much more satisfying tonight at home.