Modern Warfare 2 - who´ll grab it?

Ok, today I was playing a bit and realized there's some behringer going on modern warfare 2!

So I took a screen pic and made the comparison...

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Ok, today I was playing a bit and realized there's some behringer going on modern warfare 2!

So I took a screen pic and made the comparison...


DUDE, fuck yes, finally someone else noticed :lol: They're actually in CoD4 Modern Warfare (AKA MW1, I guess?) as well, early in the game in the TV station level in the "unspecified middle eastern country" :goggly:
Ok, so I finally beat the single-player yesterday (got HEAVILY sidetracked by the multiplayer :D), and holy fuck what an ending - it was pretty disappointing to see Shepherd get the upper hand in their mano a mano showdown after the crash (considering Price is the hardened black ops vet and Shepherd is in the top brass, though who knows how he cut his teeth to get there), but he got what was coming to him, so all was well (sniping out the rescue chopper pilot = so fucking badass :rock: )

However, one thing I was very disappointed (but not surprised) to read was that Hans Zimmer did the music - I'm sorry, but I just can't stand the guy, the motifs that he uses (and liberally re-uses) in his scores have become the ultimate cliches to me for soundtracks, and I so so so so so much preferred HGW's score in the original (actually, I think for both games, the big-shots wrote the key themes, and then staff composers did the level music and such, but still) Oh well :goggly: Also (SPOILERS WEE-OOO-WEE-OOO), I'm not 100% certain why Shepherd betrayed all the TF141 guys at the end, what exactly did he have to gain? (it's not like he had ordered the TF141 guys to do anything particularly illegal or anything, so it's not like they had any dirt on him)
Ok, so I finally beat the single-player yesterday (got HEAVILY sidetracked by the multiplayer :D), and holy fuck what an ending - it was pretty disappointing to see Shepherd get the upper hand in their mano a mano showdown after the crash (considering Price is the hardened black ops vet and Shepherd is in the top brass, though who knows how he cut his teeth to get there), but he got what was coming to him, so all was well (sniping out the rescue chopper pilot = so fucking badass :rock: )

However, one thing I was very disappointed (but not surprised) to read was that Hans Zimmer did the music - I'm sorry, but I just can't stand the guy, the motifs that he uses (and liberally re-uses) in his scores have become the ultimate cliches to me for soundtracks, and I so so so so so much preferred HGW's score in the original (actually, I think for both games, the big-shots wrote the key themes, and then staff composers did the level music and such, but still) Oh well :goggly: Also (SPOILERS WEE-OOO-WEE-OOO), I'm not 100% certain why Shepherd betrayed all the TF141 guys at the end, what exactly did he have to gain? (it's not like he had ordered the TF141 guys to do anything particularly illegal or anything, so it's not like they had any dirt on him)

Did you enjoy having to faptastically press "X" at the end to pull the knife out?


Oooh, here's a great one from CoD4

And another (different arrangement on the main theme, which IMO is so much better than MW2, which barely even had a main theme, more like a main chord progression)

In short, between the music (I can't get over it, I'm sorry, I just really can't stand Zimmer :lol: ) and just the way the story progressed, I preferred MW1, as it felt more original and less cheesy and blatantly Hollywood-ified (ZIMMER!!!!! :goggly: ), but 2 was still awesome, and I can't wait to see what MW3 brings!

Ooh, but one thing MW2 had over MW1 - no Griggs :Spin:

I mean, seriously - it's good, but it's just so Zimmer :lol:

Did you enjoy having to faptastically press "X" at the end to pull the knife out?



Dude, the 360 controllers make those rapid button-mash fests so much harder than the PS controller, I almost lost at first :lol:
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Oooh, here's a great one from CoD4

And another (different arrangement on the main theme, which IMO is so much better than MW2, which barely even had a main theme, more like a main chord progression)

In short, between the music (I can't get over it, I'm sorry, I just really can't stand Zimmer :lol: ) and just the way the story progressed, I preferred MW1, as it felt more original and less cheesy and blatantly Hollywood-ified (ZIMMER!!!!! :goggly: ), but 2 was still awesome, and I can't wait to see what MW3 brings!

Ooh, but one thing MW2 had over MW1 - no Griggs :Spin:

I mean, seriously - it's good, but it's just so Zimmer :lol:

Dude, the 360 controllers make those rapid button-mash fests so much harder than the PS controller, I almost lost at first :lol:

Tell me about it!

I started fapping away at "X" and was saying to myself "Am I doing something wrong?" Took forevvvverrrr. lol

Did you enjoy having to faptastically press "X" at the end to pull the knife out?




Dude I remember freaking out worried I was gonna have to see Price die again so I was mashing the fuck out of the X button. Price is seriously my hero. It's like he's my long lost British Uncle I never had or something. I love when Shepard is trying to talk price out of his ICBM plan and the screen goes blank and Price says, "Looks like we've lost the connection."

More spoiler alert:

I'm not really entirely sure of Shepards motives, either. I may have missed something, but perhaps his goal was to go down in history as a great american hero by secretly starting an insanely huge war with Russia and trying to take credit for ending it? You know it had to have been him who tipped off Makorov or whatever his name was as to the double agent who infiltrated his group. In hindsight it makes perfect sense that Shepard chose a Private to take on such an important covert mission. It was set up to fail from the get-go. Perhaps Shepard was closer to Makarov than I initially thought. Maybe Shepards contact info was on that DSM that you pay hell retrieving, which was why he had to tie up loose ends with a gas can and cigar like he did. (<-Biggest OMFG moment in my videogame playing experience. Even trumping the Nuke scene in CoD4, for me.)

More Spoiler alert:

People Die.
I'm not really entirely sure of Shepards motives, either. I may have missed something, but perhaps his goal was to go down in history as a great american hero by secretly starting an insanely huge war with Russia and trying to take credit for ending it? You know it had to have been him who tipped off Makorov or whatever his name was as to the double agent who infiltrated his group. In hindsight it makes perfect sense that Shepard chose a Private to take on such an important covert mission. It was set up to fail from the get-go. Perhaps Shepard was closer to Makarov than I initially thought. Maybe Shepards contact info was on that DSM that you pay hell retrieving, which was why he had to tie up loose ends with a gas can and cigar like he did. (<-Biggest OMFG moment in my videogame playing experience. Even trumping the Nuke scene in CoD4, for me.)

My bad dude, didn't see this until now - that's pretty wild, I never thought that it was Shepherd (and I'm positive that's how it's spelled :muahaha: ) who tipped Makarov that Private Allen was an undercover agent - what exactly made you think that? I mean, after the war started, I guess Shepherd saw his opportunity for glory and for military might and avenging the deaths of his soldiers 5 years ago (more on that later), but I would really hope Infinity Ward's writers weren't seriously high enough to write the character of a General who was crazy enough to start a war for those reasons - but who knows, I thought the story as a whole was a bit weak, disjointed, and hard to follow, so that might have been it - but I honestly suspect it was more the product of hasty writing-by-committee :erk: (other evidence being more minor but still noticeable omissions, such as there never being any explanation as to who the hell that VIP dude in the Diner meat locker was in the first Ranger mission in Virginia after the Russians invade, nor who that dead dude in the Panic Room was at the end of the second of those Ranger missions)

Anyway, even if I thought the overall story that tied them together was a bit weak, there were so many really fantastic individual standout moments in the single-player campaign that I can still say I heartily enjoyed the experience :kickass: I LOVED breaching the rooms in the Oilrig level (though I thought the thermal-scope smoke part at the end was annoying as hell), and taking out dudes launching Javelins south of the Washington monument with the Barret 50 cal and thermal scope, and then unleashing the Javelins on them - and then of course, the previously detailed ending experience. So yeah, now that all that's been established, more petty complaints :D

- IMO Ghost is so obviously (and lamely) an attempt to "complete the old squad" by pretty much bringing Gaz (from CoD4) back (same fucking voice actor with ridiculous exaggerated cockney accent, and Ghost never takes off his skull-print balaclava and sunglasses, so we never see his face, undoubtedly all the more so we can project Gaz's onto it :goggly: ). But the dude just has no freakin' personality at all, few (if any) memorable lines and moments, sadly a shell of his "former self" :(
- The ripoffs from "The Rock" are ridiculous, from the infiltration of the gulag involving a shower room shootout (complete with people on the upper balcony surrounding the perimeter), the popping of green smoke on the roofs to call off the airstrike, and Shepherd's motivation being similar to why Hummel (Ed Harris' character, the head antagonist) carried out his takeover of Alcatraz, which, depending on how far the IW took the parallel, might give weight to your theory that Shepherd wanted to start the war :erk: (that's what I was referring to above, when he says "5 years ago, I lost 30,000 men, and the world just fuckin' watched", when he I assume is referring to the nuke part in CoD4)
My bad dude, didn't see this until now - that's pretty wild, I never thought that it was Shepherd (and I'm positive that's how it's spelled :muahaha: ) who tipped Makarov that Private Allen was an undercover agent - what exactly made you think that? ...


Totally failed on the spelling of Shepherd, I did, haha. To tell you the truth I have a huge hole in my memory where many of the details of MW2 story once were, as I've since moved on to Assassin's Creed 2, haha. But my 2 main reasons for believing ShephHERd may have been in cahoots (love that word) with Makarov is

1.) The fact that he doesnt just kill the team that retrieves Makarovs contact info (DSM), he fucking burns the bodies and says something about tying up some loose ends. It could be argued (and has been, I did some googling, haha) that Shepherd just wanted to take the credit for taking down Makarov, but all the team did was retrieve some data from Mac's computer. They still didn't have Makarov. Besides, Shepherd was already in command of the 141, so he would've gotten credit anyway. He also set up Captain Price's team in Afghanistan and tried to kill them as well. I just don't really see any motive for eliminating his own task force, when they would surely be the ones to help him become a hero by taking down Makarov, the "cause" of the war.

2.) The fact that Shepherd chose a PFC for an insanely risky and important covert operation. You'd think he'd get someone like Sam Fisher, not a random grunt who can complete an obstacle course efficiently and/or show some skillz in a firefight. Did Shep want the covert mission to succeed?

An obvious hole in the Cahoots (:rock:) Theory is that Makarov would have likely spilled the beans about Shepherd somehow when Shep came after him towards the end of the game, and also Mac probably could have caused more worldwide disruption if he let it be known about Shepherd early on. It would still be possible however, for Shepherd to set up Joseph Allen (the PFC) for failure by "anonymously" tipping off Makarov without revealing his identity. Therefore he could help start a war while keeping his hands clean. In essence, he could have been using Makarov as a pawn to start his war without Mac ever knowing. To protect himself later, shepherd may have "tied up loose ends" by disposing of the few people who may have had a chance of figuring things out. That DSM just may have had just enough info to connect Shepherd to Makarov, and the General probably didn't want to take any chances. He wanted to tie up any loose ends.

Just speculation, mind you.

I should become a conspiracy theorist.
Hahaha fuck yeah :kickass: Tell us your first MW2 online impression, Joe! How is it? What is your favourite weapon/perk set up yet?

Well, I'd say my first five times or so I was killed in 5 seconds by some 12-year-old kids lollllllll!!!

I'm still getting used to the maps...I don't have many perks yet (if any? I'm not sure), and I still quite suck at it but am slowly getting better!

Shep made a deal with Makarov and throw the tip that you were an undercover agent to start the war. Shep destroys the data (and eliminate witnesses) that you retrieve from Makarov safehouse because it would expose this deal. The open war was the only way for him to take control of all the military forces, "write his history" and avenge the death of the soldiers he lost on the nuke from CoD4. Not that he really cared about the soldiers, as he´s a big fan of "danger close".