Modern Warfare 2 - who´ll grab it?

I always thought CoD 4 did a great job of making you sympathise with the antagonists, at least just a little bit. They weren't just attacking stuff to be cunts, they were doing it because they felt like America is at the root of all their problems. MW2 looks to do an even better job of it.

And anyway. I view CoD 4 as far more of a piece of art than I probably should do. It seems like IW had a lot to say about the nature of war in general, while not demonising any one party for it.

Eh, yes and no - while I did definitely dig the realism and intensity of the scenes, the fact is the core gameplay element is still laying waste to countless waves of dudes with intense pounding music (or stealthy sneaky music :D) and all manner of exciting scripted events and set pieces, so I hardly think any game like that can maintain the slightest pretense of being anti-war (MGS pulls it off only because combat is so discouraged, and not exactly what one would call particularly streamlined anyway :lol: ). And I can seriously count on one hand the amount of times we even hear the antagonists talk or explain their actions, and both in the case of Zakhaev (sp?) and Al Asad, it's the usual "you raped our lands, prostituted this and that, etc., now revenge", reducing them to the stereotypical pissed off crazed power-hungry nationalist whose country has turned to shit and he blames the big bad Western world :goggly: I still adore the single-player for its incredible cinematic presentation, but while the story is great, I would hardly say any sort of message is at the center of it!
Just because you play as a soldier (or a couple of soldiers in CoD 4's case) doesn't mean that it isn't anti-war. Apocalypse Now is one of the biggest anti-war movies out but look at all the constant scenes of violence in that.

And yeah, the whole "YOU PROSTEETOOTED US TO ZE WEST" thing was good enough for me. Like I said, he wasn't JUST being a cunt for the sake of it. There's more to it than that.

And yeah, people go on about how like it's only middle eastern dudes and russian dudes that are the villains in these games, and while I agree the trend is annoying and maybe slightly worrying, what I find even more worrying is that people are seeing a connection there in the first place. It's like the whole racism thing. Racism will stop existing when people stop going on about fucking racism. I am not a racist person because I don't see race as an issue or something to be talked about and discussed in any way shape or form. Every single human being is 99% exactly the same biologically. 1% is all that seperates everyone on this earth. As far as I see it we're all one and the same. See my point? Sorta? A connection will stop existing when people stop talking about there being a connection.
Every FPS game and its dog has had east vs west type teams recently, and I just don't see a problem with it, why? Because they're fucking games and people are seeing issues where there are none.
I dunno, I think it's a bit short-sighted and ignorant to claim that constantly and repeatedly depicting a certain ethnic/religious group as the bad guy doesn't foster negative stereotypes and views, but that's a whole other story. As for the game, Apocalypse Now is completely different, because the scenes of violence are never made out to be thrilling and exciting, but rather tense and frightening, which is thus why it is in fact anti-war. The film equivalent of Modern Warfare is more like an intense summer blockbuster, with serious undertones but an overall glorification of killing and shooting; that's all you do in the game for chrissakes, why the hell would you play it if you weren't enjoying yourself? (and I can pretty much rest my case during the Marine Corps missions with that ridiculous metal track that plays with the wailing guitar :lol: )

And I would also point out that not once are we given even the slightest sympathetic scene for any of the countless people the player wastes, but then there's this massive heartpounding ending where you watch all your friends get killed around you, and it's super intense and really effective, but I can't help but think, those 3 people (Griggs, Gaz, and Price) represent maybe...1 hundred-thousandth of the amount of people you've wasted with them up until that point :goggly: And the Zakhaev speech, are we just supposed to take his word for it that he's the victim and his leaders prostituted his country to the west and etc., and meanwhile he orders his troops to murder civilians (as is stated in the beginning of that night mission, I forgot exactly what it is but it's later in the game and you play as the SAS, and it starts with you meeting Kamarov and climbing a hill before the carnage begins :D), and fucking launches nukes at the entire eastern seaboard, there's a really sympathetic guy alright :lol: Again, I love the game, but calling it anti-war is to me like calling, I dunno, "300" anti-war :goggly:
Everybody on PS3. Get on and sign up and get some teams going. Its fun and competitive and there are tourneys for $$$ you can enter, too.
The Rio de Janeiro stage looks cool. There´s a dual wielding UZI this time. Nice! I hope it´s a good weapon on multiplayer.

Activision should make make an entire CoD game on Brazil. Sweet urban warfare around here, over 50.000 assassinations every year and we are not even at war. Last month the drug dealers shot down a police chopper with a .30.
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Holy shit that looks fucking insane - is this the same graphics engine as Modern Warfare, or a new one?
Holy shit that looks fucking insane - is this the same graphics engine as Modern Warfare, or a new one?

It's the quake 3 engine.

.... Modified beyond belief, but still, it's roots are in the quake 3 engine. All of the Call of Duty games have been based off the Q3 engine haha.
This is not easy, but the online and blu ray aspect is a great one! The best games will come out on both systems anyway, so grab a PS3. I´m pretty lucky with it, because my 360 had the red ring of death a few times (defective) and this killed me.

To be objective, the 360 has more games and some few multiplatform games are technically better than the PS3 versions..for example Fallout3. If you dig Siene Fiction stuff, MASS EFFECT 1&2 would speak for a 360.
This is not easy, but the online and blu ray aspect is a great one! The best games will come out on both systems anyway, so grab a PS3. I´m pretty lucky with it, because my 360 had the red ring of death a few times (defective) and this killed me.

To be objective, the 360 has more games and some few multiplatform games are technically better than the PS3 versions..for example Fallout3. If you dig Siene Fiction stuff, MASS EFFECT 1&2 would speak for a 360.

Ah, I see. This will be a tough decision still! Thanks for the advice dude.
