Molested - Blod Draum


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
I made a thread about this album a REALLY long time ago, but I still haven't been able to procure some sort of mp3 or anything. I haven't seen it on sale anywhere, either. I was wondering if anyone around here had something they could upload- I've been in a very Borknagar mood recently and I'd like to hear something else that Øystein was involved in.

Thanks in advance(?).
Holy fuck this is good!!!! Many thanks to Doomcifer. I reccommend that people check this out. It's like atmospheric death metal with some cool melodic riffs. Sort of has a Skydancer vibe.
Never heard Manegarm. Honestly I'm missing out on so much good shit that it's scary. Doomcifer is helping out right now though.