More Musicians/Bandmembers here?

I sing in 2 bands so far, and am negotiating with the third.

No links yet....

One of those two bands is a mixture of all sorts of metal..... Mainly power/progressive/symphonic/death, and even some trash. The other one...well, we'll see where our direction will head.... :)
Originally posted by Eramaajarvi

One of those two bands is a mixture of all sorts of metal..... Mainly power/progressive/symphonic/death, and even some trash. The other one...well, we'll see where our direction will head.... :)
youd think power and death metal in one band would cancel eachother out :D

Im starting a band over the summer with some close friends, but we have very different influences.....drummer is nu-metal, vocalist is R&B, than the guitarist, me, DEATH METAL! RARGH! :headbang: :lol:

Well work something out, its just for fun hehe.
well im happy as long as its in the heavy metal realm hehe. im still begining to question how well work out with a vocalist who doesnt really have any aggresive vox but great clean (when used properly :p ) Maybe do it Sevendust style and Ill growl or something hehe.....

Final_Vision (awaiting his shitty but fun band :lol: )
AddeJ - Hrm, weve yet to work with our vocalist, but me and the drummer are often writing riffs and such. So well see how it works out, but i still have my doubts. Afterall tho, its just fun for some friends to do :)

Erama - chupi indeed. Id like to hear that
Final_Vision > Thats good! A band that don´t have fun doing their music are doomed from the start... As long as you´re having fun it´s worth it! :) We (Skinfected) have managed keeping "the fun" up since 1989! Played for 12-13 years with the same guys! That´s pretty cool! :D
Nothing yet. We plan on recording a demo by the end of the month (hopefully). If I'm feeling nice, I may send you Skyfire guys a copy. I don't know if you'll like it though. Depends on if you like progressive rock like Rush, Pain of Salvation, Yes, Liquid Tension Experiment, etc. I'd say we're something like that, but not quite.

Blah. I'll shut up now.
check out my band Assisting Sorrow if your into Progressive, Melodic, Death Metal with Black & Power Metal Influences! You can check out & download our songs here . Also we have new material coming soon! We are scheduled to be featured on an upcoming Split 7" with our fello Goat brothers in Abominant. For more information on any upcoming releases news, etc., vist our website & sign up to be on the mailing list!

Originally posted by AddeJ-Skinfected
Are there more musicians (or member of a band) on this Skyfire forum? If there are, can you post links to some music you or your band recorded in this thread? Love to hear new bands!!! :)

check site: there is no samples yet, because album not mastering yet, but if you want i can send you sample after mixed. ENTER CHAOS plays death metal with influence IN FLAMES, GARDENIAN, IMMOLATION, DEATH, DISMEMBER... it's sounds crazy, but it's truth:D the debut album title is "DREAMWORKER" and it gathers a collection of 9 songs and a cover of At The Gates "Cold". more at website...

btw Adde: Skinfaced are great too;)