more RR??

children of COB

Deadnight Drinker
Feb 6, 2006
my questions are related with guitars but not with technical things or adjustments,and are too related to Sinergy,so I didn't know where to post it(the off-topic is too much off-topic for this I think),so I decided to make a thread for it.

did alexi have other RR's appart from the Wildchild,the Stone and the green pinstripes ones?if not wtf is the owner of the guitar he's playing in Sinergy's The Warrior Princess live vid?is there any possibility that it is the Wildchild one without the sticker(meaning,he hadn't put it at that moment)?I first thought that it could be roope's,but roope's yellow beveled RR has a single coil in neck,and the one Alexi is using doesn't.

the second question is easier, Lauri Porra the one playing bass in this vid?

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I'm not sure. There was a huge debate somewhere else about it but I don't think anyone's come to a definite answer. Some think it's from 1989 and had the bevels painted on afterwards.

Only Alexi could give us the 100% truth.
yep,but as it's impossible to contact him maybe we could try ,if the ask Janne thread ever comes back,to ask Janne to solve that for us,:lol:

oh,ant btw,now that we are on Sinergy.maybe you remember maybe you don't but I sent you a pm about the fucking hostile cover.could you somehow upload it or sth please?I love it and I've been searching for it for a long time(a long time doesn't mean a month for me,it means two years or more,:lol:)without success and I had almost given up in finding it until I saw it on your YouTube profile.would you mind to upload it here please?
yep,thanks a lot.since now I've added to my collection Fucking Hostile,Towards Dead End-Chockehold medley from Wacken,a veeery old(1998)Lake Bodom video and Lake Bodom from Nosturi gig in 2006(the one broadcasted by finnish TV).thanks a lot man!