More Turisas Fan Art


ok.. I won't go offtopic anymore *shame on me* :p
Those pics are amazing! I agree about the sky, it's so atmospheric :D

I've got a Wacom 12"x12" (A4 and a half) and I love it to bits. Although, you can't buy carry cases for anything bigger than A4 so I have to store/travel with it covered in loads of bubble wrap in a plastic Vans bag! But Wacom tablets are worth every penny.

Now I wana do some Turisas art too!
Haha! XD I called him the cameraman from Wayne's World after the Leccy Ballroom gig, he was probably equally as confused. But seriously...he DOES look like the Cameraman from Wayne's World.
wow, all I can say is that I am pretty impressed...I am neither good with painting by hand nor by computer, so...