Most Anticipated Releases for 2008

THATS what you got out of it? you're a smart guy! :rolleyes:

no, the artists i choose to listen to generally enjoy considerable acclaim. i'm not going to bother making a list, just let it be known that you're a fucking retard.

Hahaha I'm the retard? You're the cocksucker who just said 99% of metal sucks, that leaves a very small number of bands YOU think are good, therefore that would either make you one of those elitist douchebags I mentioned earlier or the other kind of douchebag that only listens to 1 or 2 metal bands and the rest are gayass mainstream bands.
........anticapated releases 2008 gentlemen. Maybe theres another forum out there where you can make love to each other, but this thread is not it :)
This coming from someone who has links to 2 black metal bands in his sig when 99% of black metal vocalists are horrendous, not to mention the shitty production quality and complete lack of bass in their guitar tone.

Well, the vocals in my bands will definitely not be anywhere remotely as shite as in flames' are now. I guarantee you that.
Anathema (i have lowered my expectations vastly since i heard the demo though)
Within Y

Hypocrisy (?)
The Haunted (?)
Six Feet of Foreplay (demo ?)

A bit curious about:
Memfis (?)
I'd be a bit sketchy about the new AiC, one thing I really like about them is Layne's voice, without him I don't think it would be the same sadly.

Yeah, you´re right, but Jerry´s voice is also a huge part of the AIC-Sound, and the new singer sounds good to me.
I think, they gonna make a great new record, and I´m happy to hear new stuff from them.
I havn't heard the new singer yet, I should youtube it, and as for Jerry's voice I think the harmonies on the Unplugged album/DVD absolutley made that album. I was blown away when I heard "Brother"
Hahaha I'm the retard? You're the cocksucker who just said 99% of metal sucks, that leaves a very small number of bands YOU think are good, therefore that would either make you one of those elitist douchebags I mentioned earlier or the other kind of douchebag that only listens to 1 or 2 metal bands and the rest are gayass mainstream bands.

Ah yes, because anything other than metal music is mainstream...