Most embarassing moment your life?


..erm when I was young (8) my mom made me change clothes on a school bus and she made my friends move one set away. My face turned bright red for the trip there.
HalfpintHenkka said:
ok, i'm gonna ressurect this, lol. my most embarassing moment...hard to say, i've had quite a few. for example...

i've fallen off a set of choral risers and into a full set of the time i was helping set up for a school music concert; i made enough noise to rival 5 or 6 Jaskas trying to play on one drumset at the same time.

i have also fallen down numerous flights of stairs in various public places, i.e. school, the metro, etc.

and just to show how stupid i can really be, haha-- i once dived headlong into a rosebed after a soccer ball without actually thinking of where i was going.

OMG!!! :lol: You poor thing! Are you so accident prone all the time?

Well I have one but its not mine per happened to a friend of mine.
It took place in high school, the maintenance guys were fixing one of the hallway doors but it took them forever to actually put glass back in everyday, my friend & I would walk thru the door frame instead of opening it. Well then one day the maintenance guys finally put the glass back into the door frame but my friend didnt notice it...before I could say anything to her, she leaped thru the door frame......only to smash her face into the glass! She was rushed to the nurses office because she busted her nose. I was laughing so hard I thought I as going to piss myself. :lol:
HalfpintHenkka said:
and just to show how stupid i can really be, haha-- i once dived headlong into a rosebed after a soccer ball without actually thinking of where i was going.
I'm sorry, but that's just golden! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
^ahahahaha... *hem*

well...there was this one time where i did not do any bodily harm to myself or the people around me, but i did cause quite an uproar...

before class one time at school, one of my classmates was really starting to make my nerves go raw. i'm not that patient to begin with, and so after about ten minutes i swore at him in Finnish as we entered the classroom.

thing is, i didn't know that our subsitute teacher was Finnish...she heard me swearing at my classmate and she immediately went all drill seargant on me. she hauled me out into the hallway and started lecturing me in Finnish. i was just standing there thinking "oh gawd, i'm in trouble" and people were looking out of classrooms at us.

that was probably the only time i've ever had a teacher yell at me...oh and we had that sub for a week, too. haha
I once rode my bycicle home from school, and took a big curve....and i didn´t notice the red car that was parked on the other side of the was the only car on the whole street :D I caused about €1250 damages with that on dents and paint...
^ i've gotten into a lot more accidents but i have never ever done anything that cost any amount of money in damage fees for public property.

...well...ok, so there WAS that one time when i broke a window in my house...but it's still my family's and not anyone else's house:D
Should I? oh should I touch this thread? oh well I guess but :O the most embarassing moment no way HEHE

here goes... It probably happened to most of the guys here... At school, teacher called my name to pick my exam and I had a boner :O it's really hard to walk normally and hide it :O very embarassing

another embarassing moment was when I was browsing the internet then some funny prick linked me to one of those "IM WATCHING GAY PORN" link... with the sound playing real loud and everything... and my dad's girlfriend entered my room!!!
oh god i went for the reset switch asap :O she thought i was gay for a while too...
The only awkward experience I had with my parents was when I was about 15. I had a friend and two girls over in my room. He's screwing around with this girl on the floor while I and the other girl watch a movie. My mom must have been sitting there with her ear pressed to the door the whole time, because she heard faint moans and totally fucking freaked out. I guess she thought we were all gangbanging.

A few hours after they leave, my mom just starts screaming at my dad to tell me that I can't have girls in my room anymore. My dad, in his infinite "I don't give a fuck what you do" wisdom comes over to me, and says "Your mom said you can't have girls in your room any more." He then proceeds to pat both my friend and myself on the shoulder and walk away.

... I heard my mom screaming at him for about 3 hours in their bedroom while he made fun of her for being a prude.

That's right ... to this day, my dad thinks that a buddy and I were tag-teaming two girls in my bedroom and he's proud.