Most embarassing moment your life?

Oh, wait. Here's a really lame one. It's good it I was bothered to take the time to tell it properly, but I could not be arsed.

Back in highschool, the lazy fuckers that me and my friends were, we could not be bothered moving to far from the end of the 'block' we always sat at to play sport/hit a ball around/whatever, we just moved about 10 meters from the end of the block and stood between the two 'rows' of buildings (the rows are about 15m's apart at most) to play cricket for a while (to hard to explain now, but cricket it vaguely similar to baseball).

Anyway, we had been warned several times not to play so close to the buildings, even though all the windows on the walls has 'mesh' in front of them to stop break ins (and therefore stray balls from breaking windows), so we said 'fuck it' and kept playing anyway (when teachers weren't around that is.

Anyway, since we were such lazy fuckers and made it up as we went along, we didn't have proper 'equipment', we restorted to a rubbish bin for the stumps, some only rubber ball for the ball, and a BIG HUNK OF FUCKING WOOD for the bat. It was heavy and hard to swing accurately.

Moving along though, I was 'at the crease' one day (batting), and since I am the only left hander, the guys worry that I might hit the building that extends off to the left (the building on the right stops). I told them not to worry cos I knew my shit, but then on ONE SWING, the ball caught the top, malformed edge of the bat and went sailing high into the air. It came down with a resounding crash on the nearest roof (not expected) and bounce back up (as expected). It turns out the ball landed directly on the teachers/staff room for that building. Furthermore however, it somehow managed to hit one of only TWO SKYLIGHTS in the ENTIRE SCHOOL. We later calculated the odds of that to be astronomically low. As we didn't know that at the time, I raced over to retreive the ball on the other side of the building before any teacher was the wiser, and pullled up short to find that the teacher 'harrasing us' to stop hitting the ball around not yesterday had it in his hand and was standing at the front of his office. What's more we can't figure out how glass/perspex/whatever it was ended up INSIDE the staff room, and yet the ball STILL bounced back up after it hit skylight (it should have gone into the room or not broken the skylight.

We had to pay $250 between us to replace the skylight (though me mates tried to shirk and insist I should foot the bill) which we did eventually.

The biggest irony however was that just a couple of days after the incident, where I had payed my share and I think one other person had, I returned to school the next morning to find that some smart arsed kid had prompltly burnt down the entire block. I never got my money back for the skylight of course. Oh, and the block that was burned down was the best 'info technology' facility in any high school in the state at the time... multi-million dollar loss.

Ah well. *Shrugs*
at high school: when a couple of guys taped me to the flagpole and I had to stay there overnight until the teachers came to save me
when i was in high school, on the bus everyone noticed i had an eye on this girl...... and every day when she got out of the bus i would look at her through the window going into her home.. well one day they all decided to pull this stupid joke on me (and the bus was very full) - for the whole ride everyone was talking and yelling and singing and shit, as usual, until the bus gets at the girl's stop... as soon as she gets up to leave, -everyone- on the bus suddenly shuts up and stares at me, complete silence for like i don't know how many seconds. when it was my turn to leave the bus (a few stops later) they were all laughing at me and i felt like a total fucking dimwit, it sounds like nothing just saying it like that, but it was fuckin awkward ...... !!
One from the days when I was still young and wild:

When I was nine or so, there was this abandoned factory half a block away (which they tore down last year, fun to clime on the roof too) and there was this pile of rubble behind it, mostly medium sized rocks. So me and a friend, fuck all to do, a nice spring day and our moms wanted us out of the house, went there, see if we could find something to do.
Just behind the place, kinda like a parkinglot, there is a highway, seperated by a wall; the road is a bit higher up there, you can see about the upper half of the trucks passing by. Then one of us got the brilliant idea of throwing rochs at the covers of the trucks :D. We had fun for about half an hour or so doing that, when my buddy had to go to the toilet and went home. Just 3 minutes later or so there came a man. He told me he was driving down the highway in his car with his mother or so, and suddenly a rock hit the road in front of him, bounced up and straight at his front window, which nearly caused them to crash!
And then I came up with the brilliant remark: "I didn't do it, it was my friend. He lives there!" and pointed at his house...i swear i was innocent... :grin:
@Heavenscent: :lol: yeup, when in doubt, blame another...:D

hm...there was this one time, not too long ago actually, when my brother's best friend was spending a couple of days at our house over summer vacation. the first night he was with us, he and my bro went to watch a movie and came home a bit late; in fact when they got in i was still asleep. so the next morning, i didn't actually know that my bro's friend was there; i had kinda forgotten that he was coming over for a few days. i took a shower, like i do every morning, and then when i was done, i got out and started drying myself off with my towel. then all of a sudden, my bro's friend came into the bathroom while i was still drying off- not only had i forgotten he was at my house, i had also forgotten to lock the bathroom door. naturally i was quite surprised -and so was he- and i don't know whose shocked yell was louder, mine or his.

but- it gets even more embarrasing, cuz my bro [who was awake and getting dressed in his room], upon hearing the yelling, came charging in as well. he grabbed his friend, hauled him out of the bathroom, and when i stepped out a few minutes later [fully covered in jeans and a tee], my ever-protective bro was giving his best friend a good talking-to...and, if i know my bro, a good solid whack or two over his head...

and now the guy seems to have a hard time saying even a single word to me, heh.
classic :O

when i went in appartment for my first ever college semester :O this chick was changing in her room (with her door opened) and I caught her topless... damn she looked fine too HEHE
one time my boyfriends roomate walked in on us
but we hadnt gotten to th sex yet and i still had my underpants on so it wasnt that bad.
he was all freaked out, he's a kindof-anti social nerd guy and he's super modest so i felt bad (we hadnt put a post it on the door or anything) and bought him a pie.

embarrasing story?
one time my period started while we were having sex.
the cramps had just strated earlier that day and for me that means i have 2 or 3 days til i start bleeding, but me being on top and excersising those lower abdominal muscles so much gave it a jump start. and we werent using a condom so he came inside me and the blood got all drippy and i was SO embarrassed but he was saying ha ha its not a big deal, dont worry about it, and he was LAUGHING, which i found odd. but he wasnt laughing at me, just the wackyness of the whole situation. i rushed off to get papertowels and cleaned everything up. at least none of it got on his sheets. just us :O
hope you ahd a fun grossout :)
M. said:
one time my boyfriends roomate walked in on us
but we hadnt gotten to th sex yet and i still had my underpants on so it wasnt that bad.
he was all freaked out, he's a kindof-anti social nerd guy and he's super modest so i felt bad (we hadnt put a post it on the door or anything) and bought him a pie.

embarrasing story?
one time my period started while we were having sex.
the cramps had just strated earlier that day and for me that means i have 2 or 3 days til i start bleeding, but me being on top and excersising those lower abdominal muscles so much gave it a jump start. and we werent using a condom so he came inside me and the blood got all drippy and i was SO embarrassed but he was saying ha ha its not a big deal, dont worry about it, and he was LAUGHING, which i found odd. but he wasnt laughing at me, just the wackyness of the whole situation. i rushed off to get papertowels and cleaned everything up. at least none of it got on his sheets. just us :O
hope you ahd a fun grossout :)

I am going to :Puke:
My most embarassing moment in my life will be on tuesday when I will fail my exam... :(
Oh Pish-Tosh Ralf! :p You'll pull thorugh.... just. ;)

Get your lazy butt of UM and start STUDYING! :yell: