Most genre representing albums

Manic Ferocity

Active Member
Nov 5, 2006
What albums do you think represent a certain genre in its most pure form? Basically any albums that don't have any compromises and just make you think "this is what so-and-so genre is supposed to sound like".

For example:

For death metal:
Morbid Angel: Altars of Madness
Grave-Into The Grave
Oh look a perfect example of why viking metal is nonexistent; none of those bands even sound similar except maybe Enslaved and Bathory. Skyclad have never had anything to do with vikings, and they're folk metal anyway. I hate (HATE) the term viking metal, so use it here at your own risk. ;)

Death Metal:
Demilich - Nespithe (highlights the chaos)
Suffocation - Effigy Of The Forgotten (highlights the rhythm which is one of the defining characteristics of death metal)
The various genres that so-called viking metal bands are already a part of.

Bathory=black metal
Enslaved=black/progressive metal
Skyclad=folk metal
thrash metal - sodom "agent orange"
death metal - morbid angel "altars of madness"
progressive death metal - death "the sound of perseverence
brutal death metal - suffocation "effigy of the forgotten"
technical death metal - necrophagist "onset of putrefaction"
progressive metal - dream theater - "Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory"
Speed metal - Metallica - "ride the lightning"
extreme progressive metal - Opeth - "deliverance"
Melodic Death metal - Carcass - "heartwork"
metalcore (good metalcore) - mastodon "leviathan"

The idea was for you to not get that specific and choose one album that would define an entire genre not go into sub-sub-genres like brutal death, progressive death, tech death, etc.
oh I suppose

DM - morbid angel - "altars of madness" (very heavy, pretty technical DM, very anti-religious)
thrash - sodom - "agent orange" (fast, screaming/harsh singing lyrics, war/political lyrics, kickass double bass)
speed metal - metallica - "ride the lightning" (speed and thrash are different genres)
progressive metal - dream theater - "Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory "
You can HARDLY call Hammerheart and Twilight of the Gods black metal.

In that case I would just call those heavy metal. I don't know why people insist on calling viking metal a genre especially since they can never give characteristics that define the genre other than lyrics.
People insist on calling viking metal a genre because it is a genre. It takes elements from black metal/folk and other genres, but is still a genre itself. It's atmosphere of norse/mythology/vikings etc. are included in the lyrics as well as the music.
Elaborate. Don't tell me something is and not be able to back it up.

Ok I see you did. First of all people don't even know what viking music was because none of it was written down. What you're hearing is folk metal with viking themes.
People insist on calling viking metal a genre because it is a genre. It takes elements from black metal/folk and other genres, but is still a genre itself. It's atmosphere of norse/mythology/vikings etc. are included in the lyrics as well as the music.
I disagree, viking metal is just a tag for bands which use blatant viking references, and doesn't apply to any specific brand of musicianship or vocal style.