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Both of Russes solo albums (well battle is more of a duel album but still) are rock not metal, so they do not qualify as SR so gracefully stated
Wake me up, before you go go,
Don't leave me hangin' on like a yo-yo.
Wake me up before you go go
I don't wanna miss it when you hit that hig.
Wake me up before you go go
'Cause I'm not plannin' on going solo
Wake me up before you go go
Take me dancin' tonight.
I wanna hit that HIIIIGH!! Yeah yeah!
I think everyone can agree Painkiller is the ultimate metal song.
I wouldn't compare the original Priest version with the Death version.
:danceboy:Wake me up, before you go go,
Don't leave me hangin' on like a yo-yo.
Wake me up before you go go
I don't wanna miss it when you hit that hig.
Wake me up before you go go
'Cause I'm not plannin' on going solo
Wake me up before you go go
Take me dancin' tonight.
I wanna hit that HIIIIGH!! Yeah yeah!
why not? Death's version shits all over priest's. And painkiller was 1990, not late 80's.
It shits all over the shouldn't really be saying that it shits all over the original version.