Most Moody/depressing albums you've ever heard


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
ok folks... i have this weird thng where i like to be depressed, i dunno it's odd but i love listening to REALLY depressing stuff, but my collection is rather small. I would REALLY like some help on finding some more gloomy gems that make you wanna cry or kill yourself or cuddle with a loved one heheh. I really don't know of too many. So PLEASE help me get really depressed :) It's not so i can get so down i kill myself or something, so don't worry about that!

On a side note a lot of Opeth stuff is like that to me, like the night And The Silent Water, To Bid You Farewell, Patterns In The Ivy, Benighted, Dirge For November (my edited version which takes out the song-ruining heavy middle part) or the second half of Black Rose Immortal. So any stuff like that. Clean or Growly no difference to me ya know. kthxbye
Try these albums from very different styles but all depressing
My Dying Bride-Angel and the Dark River
Dead Can Dance-Within a Realm of a Dying Sun
Fiona Apple-Tidal
Anathema-Aternative 4
Smashing Pumpkins-Tonight Tonight single(make sure is the one with 7 or 8 songs, real good, sad, acoustic songs)
The one that instantly jumps to mind is

Raison D'etre - The Empty Hollow Unfolds.
The first 2 tracks (The Slow Ascent + The Hidden Hallows) seem to go together, the second one in particular just leaves you with a feeling of hopelessness/depression. Listen to it in a soundproof room, or in the middle of the night when most things are asleep.
Desolate ambience.

Others include:

Anathema - 'Alternative 4', some of 'Eternity' but there's a lot of anger there as well, 'The Silent Enigma' again a lot of anger mixed in.

Brighter Death Now - 'Necrose Evangelicum' Ihave one track off it I believe, and if the other tracks are as good as this one, it will suit your purpose.

One track by Limbonic Art - In Mourning Mystique off the album Moon In The Scorpio goes for 14 mins, building up to the end. rest of album is atmospheric black metal.

Desiderii Marginis - Deadbeat seems to be good dark ambient/industrial tracks.

Ond, found at, is similar to Raison D'etre. Good stuff

This Mortal Coil - 'It'll End In Tears' and 'Filigree And Shadow'

A good cuddle-with-your-other-half album I recommend would be William Orbit - Pieces In A Modern Style. Modern interpretations of classical pieces.

That's enough for the moment, ask if you want more recommendations
Hmm...nice topic.

Here are mine :-

My Dying Bride - I've only got one album, TLATEOTW..and it depresses me. Might pick up some more of their stuff...any album suggestions people?

Katatonia - Most of their albums have depressing moments. I would say Brave Murder Day is the most harrowing. The guitars seem so out of hurts my a good way :eek:

Porcupine Tree - Thought I'd try these guys out after hearing Bleak. They've got some pretty moody tracks.

I think My Dying Bride is the most depressing in my collection. Oh...and Mr Bungle ;) ahh..this is a joke, albeit bad :D
Originally posted by Cutter
My Dying Bride - I've only got one album, TLATEOTW..and it depresses me. Might pick up some more of their stuff...any album suggestions people?
The closest albums to TLATEOTW in style are Turn Loose The Swans, and The Dreadful Hours. TLTS is a genre classic, it's alot more bleak and has more atmospehere than "The Light..", though the clean vocals are on the weak side (still really good, but it was his first effort at singing, so you need to be warned;)). They are all good, but I'd also recommend The Angel And The Dark River (my #1 album of all time). There are no growls on here, and it's a little different in it's approach to the 3 mentioned so far. But it's awesome. Great atmosphere, great riffs, and some utterly haunting violin work.

I'd recommend going in this order: TLTS, TA&TDR, TDH. To contradict myself rather nicely though, The Dreadful Hours may be a good one to get next, it's pretty much the same as TLATEOTW. I'd recommend avoiding the others for now.
I would recommend the two only God Machine albums:
"Scenes From The Second Storey" and
"Last Laugh In A Place Of Dying"

it's kind of hard, melancholic, sad rock music....difficult to describe.

Also Robin Proper Sheperd (the singer of God Machine) has done some more quiet, sad and very melancholic stuff with the band Sophia. Check out the albums:

"Fixed Water", "The Infinite Circle" and "de Nachten"

I would also recommend Katatonia of course, Sigur Ros and Godspeed You Black Emperor.....
You can't get much more depressing than the band 'A Silver Mt Zion'..its an all instrumental band mainly consisting of violins and piano..Very depressing.Also check out Godspeed you Black Emperor..A nine peice orchestral(sp)band...Great stuff..
The first Dreadnaught CD.

Download 'Flowers', and cry your eyes out.

Hell, i ball my eyes out even thinking of the damn song...!
'A Silver Mt Zion'..its an all instrumental band mainly consisting of violins and piano..Very depressing.

Instrumentals can be surprising depressive. When I say surprisingly I mean because there's no words to add to the painful sounds, just your imagination.

Katatonia is depressing. Its depressing the way it sort of reminds you of how shitty things are in life sometimes. :rolleyes: