Most Un-Metal Moment

I've gotten a bit misty-eyed during several parts of Ratatouille(the food critic's speech and the scene when everyone abandons Linguini after finiding out that he was merely the puppet behind Remy's culinary wonders) and Wall-E(it's just impossible not to love the protagonist). Pixar, those exploitative jerks.:p
Hope it's a 90-92 one, they have the Iron Duke engine. They last forever :)
Heh, pretty much the only Metal thing about me is my taste in music :)

First off, being female and in my mid-thirties puts me outside the stereotypical demographic right off the bat.

Next, I need to dress at least somewhat professionally on weekdays (and besides, as much as I like the Metal aesthetic, I also like bright colors too much to dress that way all the time myself). I'll sometimes wear bluejeans and a concert T-shirt on weekends, but other than that, you'd be unlikely to take me for a metalhead unless I was on the way to a concert or we were talking about music.

(Or possibly when I'm walking down the street with my headphones on. I'll often get into it and start mouthing lyrics and/or bobbing my head a little bit. Not full-on headbanging, but apparently enough to give me away-- one time I met this old guy walking in the other direction (he was wearing bermuda shorts, a hawaiian shirt, and a straw hat) He looked at me kinda funny for a couple of seconds, then got a big grin on his face and threw me the horns. Great moment, actually :cool:)

I listen almost exclusively to Metal, by boyfriend listens almost exclusively to chamber music. This makes long car trips interesting. :lol:

I've noticed most metalheads my age listen to stuff that was around when we were teenagers. But while I enjoy the classics (esp. Candlemass and Sabbath), most of what I listen to these days is from this millenium. Go figure.
I listen almost exclusively to Metal, by boyfriend listens almost exclusively to chamber music. This makes long car trips interesting. :lol:

The idea of being with a lady who listens to classical music sounds better than the idea of one who likes random annoying 90s/early 00s pop rock bands and hip hop.
The idea of being with a lady who listens to classical music sounds better than the idea of one who likes random annoying 90s/early 00s pop rock bands and hip hop.

Wut? That's not what she said
No but I was just ranting. I mean most women my age like the type of music I stated and slightly dislike real metal.
Musical taste doesn't matter to me too much since I can always get a girl (or anyone) into at least some of the music I like. Also, I would be somewhat bored of having a girlfriend who listens to all the same music I do, or exclusively to a single genre.

I liked it!

Katy Perry is HAWT.

Dude, I would go to a concert of hers just to see her. No lie. I seriously hopes she comes to the venue I work at because then I would be all over the section where people check for VIP wristbands since it's right next to the stage.
Yeah, i've had a metal GF and it does get boring. I'm dating a girl that listens to country music, i don't really mind at all. Music taste isn't everything.
Devasya Chāyā;8711854 said:
Musical taste doesn't matter to me too much since I can always get a girl (or anyone) into at least some of the music I like. Also, I would be somewhat bored of having a girlfriend who listens to all the same music I do, or exclusively to a single genre.

Went to a Silverstein show with a Darkthrone shirt. Drunk as fuck and headbanging to that gayfeast of a band. Guess in my head I was at a death metal show or something. :lol: