Movies that make you cry or well up in emotion

Peter Pan (the 03 version with isaacs and sumpter) made me cry a lot. Its now in my Top 3 favourite movies of all times.
I was just thinking about "Forrest Gump" recently. I need to add that to the list of DVD's I need to buy. Have I mentioned "Braveheart"? I think I remember Destroyer b ringing that one up several pages ago, I'm not sure and to lazy to backtrack.
I cry watching almost any movie, but I have to mention Lost In Translation. Easily one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen! :waah: :)
As a kid Bambi made me cry a lot !

Otherwise :
- Braverheart
- Philadelphia
- Life is Beautiful
- Todo sobre mi madre
- Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- Jeux Interdits (Very old french film) : After seeing this one, i had to hide myself in the toilets because i was crying like an hysteric :cry: