Movies that make you cry or well up in emotion

The Serpent King said:
Homeward Bound
HAHAHA...quality movie man.

the only movie i actually cried during was Life is Beautiful. but really only the last 5 min.
movies that choked me up...
Amelie (one of my favs)
Edward Scissorhands
Benny and Joon
American History X

and other great movies
Pulp Fiction
Resovior Dogs
Donnie Darko
Dead Alive
Evil Dead trilogy
Damn, this thread keeps makingm e remember movies sporadically... Armageddon was the WORST of them all.... when he's saying goodbye to his daughter, I ALMOST cried... no movies ever made me cry, but that one made me ache
I cried at Armageddon but only from the pain each frame inflicted upon my brain vis a vis my retinas. I didn't like it :mad:. I went and saw The Passion of the Christ last night though, and especially as a Christian I have to say that's the most extremely emotional movie i've probably ever seen. I'm still thinking about it 24 hours later, and I feel like I need to go see it again to be able to process it all.
@ Caelestia :I still can't watch Dumbo. That part is so rough to watch, It makes me sad to even think about it.
The first that comes to my mind is always Dead Poets Society. Destroyer you reminded me about Braveheart, I'm pretty sure I remember that getting me crying like a little girl with a skinned knee. I know there are more, I'm just going to have to think on it a little more.
I went and saw Last Samurai last night in a small theatre that was still showing it... what a sad, heart-wrenching movie... it really makes one think about everything that we're losing these days