Movies that make you cry or well up in emotion

Okay, I'm going to answer this question without upping my estrogen level.

Braveheart is extremely emotional, especially for those of us whose societies and bloodlines can rally around a nice anti-english atmosphere and freedom heheh. I think, however, the theme of freedom, sacrifice for one's people and country, and preferring to die on your feet rather than live on your knees resonates with everyone.

I will say the LOTR movies, especially the Two Towers for an emotional quality that hits its peak for me at the climax of the battle of helm's deep - with the bravery bordering on fatalism, old fashioned victory at war, and final redemption. See? No estrogen.

Oh no...but...I have to say that I saw this trailer The Passion of the Christ and I think I whimpered or something. I hope I don't have to confess that I cried in a damned movie theater for the first time since seeing Benji The Hunted when I was 7 when I go see that...
"A Farewell To The King" (the final scene)
"Robin & Marian" (the final scene)
"25th Hour" (the ending)
"Interview With A Vampire" (the killing of the vampire girl)
Yes, Breaking the Waves, definitely.
Dumbo was the first movie that made me cry. That part where Dumbo's mother is locked away and he's swinging on her trunk while she sings to him.

After that, I didn't really cry over movies until bloody Titanic. Ever since, I get emotional over the smallest thing. Anyway the movies that make me bawl without fail regardless of repeated viewings are Ghost, Edward Scissorhands, Love Story and Father of the Bride. Even if I know what happens, the tears still come :p
Armegeddon is the worst for me. As soon as the President starts his speech and they start showing people all around the world preparing for the end. I cried so much my eyes swelled!!!!
Moulin Rouge
Monsoon Wedding (even if it has a happy ending, a few scenes make me emotional)
Dumbo was real sad too... until the part in which he gets drunk, which is so totally freaky and psychodelic
Return of the King, meade me sniffle a little, because of the power of the music and the triumph of the good guys. thats the only one i can think of.
Just one movie really:

Return of the King
A Walk To Remember
The Land Before Time (when his mom dies)
Prolly some more....
and I don't think I've seen it mentioned on the thread yet....OLD YELLER?! Comon' its the saddest movie ever!