
Dick Sirloin said:
I can't help it she has a "tummy" (i.e. gut) in that flick.

Not saying I wouldn't bone her, but she's a little on the hefty side.

Which, LiT? Yes, she does, and it's for the part I'm assuming. Movie making people don't really leave that shit to "chance," knowwhutimsayin?

That little "pouch" is nonexistant in every other movie I've ever seen her in. She's fucking gorgeous, my (current) favorite celebrity-type. I love that she's a "real" woman with real proportions, curves, etc.
did you guys see IN GOOD COMPANY? ... its all over HBO right now ... she is as hot as ever in it.
Finally saw Million Dollar Baby. It was great even though they could have cut some areas shorter. I'd say 8/10 but it probably would have been a 10/10 had it not been spoiled for me before I saw it. I'm still not forgiving my friends or family for not going with me to see it in a theater. Bastards.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Ong Bak wasn't bad but I've been spoiled by The Legend of Drunken Master (best martial arts flick EVAR).

I own Legend, and yeah it's good, but dude, it's not even CLOSE to Ong Bak! Mr. Chan is real good, but still, there's a shitton of wire work in that flick. The stunts they pull in Ong Bak are insanity personified.

Kung Fu Hustle is the greatest underrated chop suey movie ever.
Kung Fu Hustle is the greatest underrated chop suey movie ever.

overrated more like it ... too much style, not enough substance ... yes it was visually striking ... but it was like ... who cares ... something like Kill Bill
dorian gray said:
lol @ a "fat" scarlett johanson
me no likey skinny girls
yeah no shit. well i mean i'm not gonna turn down a hot piece of bone but i definitley know my preference in the matter.
yuochi got a chuckle out of me, but c'mon man, that movie was crap.

gore for gore's sake = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

then again, you preferred House of 1,000 to Devil's, so I can't debate with you. :tickled:
i agree gore for gore's sake is lame (unless the movie itself is just plain lame, and therefore it's camp, kitsch, etc., like 1,000 corpses :dopey: ) but i really enjoyed the storyline and characters in Ichi.

masterpiece? well no. but it was pretty good and definitely stuck with me for awhile.