
Thanatopsis123 said:
The Legend of Drunken Master (best martial arts flick EVAR).

Haha, that one is cool :grin: If you liked Ong Bak, Born To Fight is another really entertaining martial arts movie with now wires and stupidly dangerous stunts!

I just saw La Jetee, the short film 12 Monkeys is based on, which was good, Bubba Ho Tep again ( :cool: ) and Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 again :dopey:
bubba ho-tep :rock:
speaking of campbell, i recently played "evil dead: regeneration". great game. i dunno why it got such bad reviews. (im too lazy to find the video game thread, btw)

First of all, the best martial arts movie ever is probably "Snake in the Eagles Shadow" but I admit, I can't take anything away from the uncut, retro, 70's hip & classic, "Enter the Dragon".

Legend of Drunken Master (otherwise known as Drunken Master II) isn't bad, but here's why the first one is better:

- Jackie Chan isn't 49 years old
- Jackie Chan TRAINS to become the drunken master, and the fact is, half the fun of watching old school "Golden Harvest" era martial arts movies is indeed for the training montage
- Drunken Master and Snake in the Eagles Shadows (filmed back to back) have the same old guy teacher and he rules immensely when catching mosquitoes 'snake style' :loco:
- Most people don't even know that "Legend of DM" is a SEQUEL. Their opinion therefore is null and void.
- the SOUNDTRACKS to Drunken Master and Snake are cult and unruly, and should be resurrected for future Grindhouse movies

Oh and Ong Bak was a sorely needed kick in the backside of all martial arts movies. Those nips got too lazy with their green screens and wires....even Jet Li movies are a joke (that guy does nothing without wires). Ong Bak was a wake up call.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I've seen Drunked Master and Snake in the Eagles Shadow and I still think Legend was better. The fight scenes are unparalleled imo.

Yeah, they're great in Legend -- but there is just that 'something' about the originals, it's tough to explain. The new one was a little shiny & polished, a bit too choreographed if you know what I mean and the originals were these cool, underground, cult hits that have this genuine aura about them.

It's like you knew Jackie Chan was living in Bruce Lee's shadow and so there was this competitive streak about it all. After Bruce Lee died, the whole scene became a big song and dance and marital arts movies became mainstream.
Saw the Wedding Crashers last night on DVD (the "uncorked" edition).

Man, as good as it was, the directors cut is just WAY too long for a film like this (at 2.5 hours, wtf?). It's not surprising that they cut out 30 minutes for the theatrical release because most of that is just cutting floor garbage no doubt.

It ruined the film for me somewhat, so one day I'll watch the shorter version. But right now, Anchorman is still THE comedy film featuring "frat pack" icons.
first time you watch anchorman, youre like "bwahahahaha funniest thing evar!"
second time you watch anchorman, youre like, "i thought this was funny?"
I've seen both Drunken Masters and the first one is just laughably bad. It's like the prototypical bad 70s Kung Fu movie that is mocked by movies like Kung Fu Hustle. It was almost painful to watch. Drunken Master 2 doesn't take itself seriously, it's funnier, and it has better action. Despite the renaming for the American release, it's just soooo much better, easily Jackie Chan's best movie.