

has anyone seen this movie? i got even higher than usual last night and watched it...well, most of it, had to leave before it was over. trippy shit, i dunno about the style mostly but it's VERY 70s. complete with bad guys who literally take their cues from a salvaged nazi filmstrip :tickled:

i'm not sure how i feel about it overall tbh, it was interesting for sure but the message is muddled, the characters are pretty strange, and the animation is of dubious quality. overall not at all terrible, but there's better animated stoner fare out there :lol:
jimbobhickville said:
I've seen both Drunken Masters and the first one is just laughably bad. It's like the prototypical bad 70s Kung Fu movie that is mocked by movies like Kung Fu Hustle.

Well, first of all, Drunken Master IS a comedy. Otherwise, that's like saying you can't watch "Goldfinger" or "From Russia with Love" anymore because you've now seen "Austin Powers".

Anyway, I'm sure it's dated somewhat, but the fact that they've spoofed that whole timeframe just emphasizes what was so cool about it. Think of it as being "retro".

Retro works. Just look at Pixar's "The Incredibles" and tell me how FUCKEN GENIUS that flick is!

EDIT: Or Quentin Tarrantino paying homage with the training montage in Kill Bill 2.
finished watching Ys the anime thingy tonight. based on one of my favorite video games evAr, although i never played the original Master System version, just TurboGrafx.

had some really bizarre japanese shit on the boner section, wtf those people are strange. i want to dryhump them all.

edit: i guess i lied, there's still another disc. with the sequel. so i have more/new/shit to shit. fuck. PISS!
I never liked Bond movies that much to begin with, but I did enjoy the first Austin Powers movie for making fun of how stupid they were. I kinda forgot about the humor in Drunken Master 1 because the ending decided to be a serious, laughably bad kung fu movie. But yeah, some other earlier parts of the movie were pretty funny, now that I think back on it. I still couldn't sit through the whole thing again, though.
cthulufhtagn said:
has anyone seen this movie? i got even higher than usual last night and watched it...well, most of it, had to leave before it was over. trippy shit, i dunno about the style mostly but it's VERY 70s. complete with bad guys who literally take their cues from a salvaged nazi filmstrip :tickled:

i'm not sure how i feel about it overall tbh, it was interesting for sure but the message is muddled, the characters are pretty strange, and the animation is of dubious quality. overall not at all terrible, but there's better animated stoner fare out there :lol:

I used to watch this movie A LOT when I was really young (around 8 or 9y)... but I don't even remember anything at all about it, except that the animation was bizarre/crappy and it didn't seem to be that interesting. I've been meaning to rent it again lately, been thinking about it and wondering if it was all I remembered it to be or worse.
EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE ... really freaking creepy, genuine scares galore ... but ultimatelly something was not right, the story and script was good, but some of the acting was lacking ... especially from the lead actress.
i put some of Tarr's earlier movies in my Netflix list ... the much shorter ones ... based on reviews of his work, he seems kind of like the Hungarian Mike Leigh (probably without the humor).
TRANSPORTER 2 ... good Sunday nigth cheese ...

although there were some totally unrealistic stunts in it ... incomprehensible and cartoonish
lurch70 said:
TRANSPORTER 2 ... good Sunday nigth cheese ...

although there were some totally unrealistic stunts in it ... incomprehensible and cartoonish

That's what I didn't like about the first one. I thought it was a great action movie, and over the top always adds to the excitement.... but it was too over the top to take seriously. It seems I shouldn't bother with the second one then.

edit: Although for some reason I LOVE over the top asian cinema. Hmmmmmm, now I don't know what to think :lol:

edit again: oh right, the over-the-top films I like don't rely on nonstop explosions and rocket launchers and car chases etc etc etc
the first Transporter had great fight scenes ... and this one does too.

there were a few bits with cars flying and driving around in situations that were totally far fetched in 2.

the fight scenes were ace though!
not really a movie, but I grabbed Harvey Birdman season 3 :D

Best line ever... was from season 2...

"Welcome to the Seben and Seben Bi-Annual HAHAHA! BI!!! board of directors meeting. "
edit again: oh right, the over-the-top films I like don't rely on nonstop explosions and rocket launchers and car chases etc etc etc

I know exactly what you mean. It's the Hollywood-isms of the explosions and chase scenes which seem to completely remove acceptability from those moments, even if the fights scenes were otherwise completely not based on the laws of physics.
Ok, I hated the Transporter, start to finish. I found nothing remotely enjoyable about it, just over-the-top, unrealistic stunts and mediocre fight scenes strung together with one of the thinnest plots ever. Regardless of my feelings towards it, why did they let the other truck full of kidnapped people go at the end? There were two trucks, they stopped one and then the movie just ended. I don't get it.