
garden state is about as emo as it gets. i can stand neither that movie nor zakkkkkk braffffffff.
MadeInNewJersey said:
who cares if it's emo?!
everyone on RC but you. i hate emo. i hate emo guys even more.
zack braff would do well to strap on some skates and just go at it with tie domi or darcy hordichuk. in three seconds hed be a different man. brain damaged but different.
want to touch the heiney


dorian gray said:
NAD, chinatown owns all movies. did you know there was some kind of sequel? i cant remember the name but i was sorely disappointed. btw, how many times in the past week have you watched this movie? ;)
haha, seriously. i'm probably going to buy that on DVD, fucking awesome awesome AWESOME.

and Garden State should've been better. the last half hour was stupid.
word. i tried watching more roman polanski movies after i saw chinatown and THEY ALL SUCK. i mean really really really bad. (with the exception of rosemarys baby)