What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Yeah that scene ruled even harder because of Pastor of Muppets.
Will Ferrel really is a comedic genius.
Will Ferrel really is a comedic genius.
I've always been a very big fan of Depp, but after watching this all I could think was "jaysis, now THAT dude knows how to act!"lurch70 said:Ed Wood is one of my favorite movies ever ... Johnny Depp's best performance !!!
SOLD.Chromatose said:Neil Gaiman . . . Jim Henson Company . . . Labyrinth + Neverending Story + Alice In Wonderland
MadeInNewJersey said:Old School fucking ruled! Best comedy in at least 10 years. Anchorman is a close 2nd.
Russell said:I just saw Munich, which is the worst film I've seen in a long time. I found it hard to even think of a redeeming feature, for some reason the movie just left me completely non-plussed. Also sawy the 4th Harry Potter again, along with a film called Seperate Lies, which was a decent British drama. Thought provoking, if nothing amazingly new. Also caught a preview of Sympathy For Lady Vengeance - not quite up there with Oldboy, but definitely better than Mr Vengeance, a really impressive movie. Last week saw Jarhead, which was cool. Next up Crash (Cronenburg's), Berlin - Symphony Of A City, Dans Ma Peau and The Hunger
Demilich said:OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU!
i just came here to post that i saw anchorman for the 4th time last week and HOLY FUCK i laughed all the way through it again
Doomcifer said:Dude, YOU'RE the one with the fucked up affinity for fucked up shit. Not us.
lurch70 said:Is Julie Delpy in the movie alot? I love that girl ...