
Yeah that scene ruled even harder because of Pastor of Muppets.

Will Ferrel really is a comedic genius.
Ed Wood

Fucking ruled. Been way too long since I've seen Plan 9, and honestly I've never been able to watch the whole thing in one sitting. Now THAT is a work of genius. :tickled:
Ed Wood is one of my favorite movies ever ... Johnny Depp's best performance !!!

Even read the Ed Wood biography after seeing the flick ... now that's a strange one as you can imagine.
watched Mirrormask, the new one by Neil Gaiman and featuring the talents of the Jim Henson Company. Quite enjoyable to watch for the nice sets and art and all, but the plot was lacking- essentially felt like Gaiman just tossed together parts of Labyrinth + Neverending Story + Alice In Wonderland
I just saw Munich, which is the worst film I've seen in a long time. I found it hard to even think of a redeeming feature, for some reason the movie just left me completely non-plussed. Also sawy the 4th Harry Potter again, along with a film called Seperate Lies, which was a decent British drama. Thought provoking, if nothing amazingly new. Also caught a preview of Sympathy For Lady Vengeance - not quite up there with Oldboy, but definitely better than Mr Vengeance, a really impressive movie. Last week saw Jarhead, which was cool. Next up Crash (Cronenburg's), Berlin - Symphony Of A City, Dans Ma Peau and The Hunger :cool:
lurch70 said:
Ed Wood is one of my favorite movies ever ... Johnny Depp's best performance !!!
I've always been a very big fan of Depp, but after watching this all I could think was "jaysis, now THAT dude knows how to act!"
Chromatose said:
Neil Gaiman . . . Jim Henson Company . . . Labyrinth + Neverending Story + Alice In Wonderland
MadeInNewJersey said:
Old School fucking ruled! Best comedy in at least 10 years. Anchorman is a close 2nd.


i just came here to post that i saw anchorman for the 4th time last week and HOLY FUCK i laughed all the way through it again
the danband scene in old school was like one of three times when a movie made me fall out of a chair from laughing so hard. i didnt even believe it at first, had to rewind and watch it again
Russell said:
I just saw Munich, which is the worst film I've seen in a long time. I found it hard to even think of a redeeming feature, for some reason the movie just left me completely non-plussed. Also sawy the 4th Harry Potter again, along with a film called Seperate Lies, which was a decent British drama. Thought provoking, if nothing amazingly new. Also caught a preview of Sympathy For Lady Vengeance - not quite up there with Oldboy, but definitely better than Mr Vengeance, a really impressive movie. Last week saw Jarhead, which was cool. Next up Crash (Cronenburg's), Berlin - Symphony Of A City, Dans Ma Peau and The Hunger :cool:

not surprised, Spielberg blows [/jaykeeleyargument]
Demilich said:

i just came here to post that i saw anchorman for the 4th time last week and HOLY FUCK i laughed all the way through it again

wait til you get to like, the 19th viewing. it's still so fucking funny, I keep finding new things to laugh at

Como estas, bitches!
with fear of being snowed in yesterday I watched movies all day (and now that I am snowed in I'll probably do more of the same)

I watched:

Opera - 10/10, one of my new favorite Dario Argento films

Tenebre - Great suspense, enjoyable movie, but Argento's done better.

Shivers - s'ok. Cronenberg's first feature film I believe? It shows, weak in a lot of areas, but he still manages to get across his themes and I enjoyed the effects

Scanners - love this movie. Exploding Heads, psychic battles, Patrick McGoohan. A Classic horror film.

1984 - Never bothered to watch this one before because the book is one of my all time favorites. I was always told it was a disgrace to the book. Now it's been a few years since I've last read it, and although missing many of the subtleties in the story (as all book to movies transitions go) I thought it still captured everything of importance in the novel. Recommended for anyone who liked the book. And definitely liked it better than that movie of Brave New World.
Netflix shipped out Broken Flowers Thursday and still have not received it ... fuckers. I have nothing to watch today. Is Julie Delpy in the movie alot? I love that girl ...
lurch70 said:
Is Julie Delpy in the movie alot? I love that girl ...

Just a short part at the beginning. I found the movie excruciatingly boring by the way. Jarmush's cinema was never really my case, but that's definitely the weakest I've seen from him. Wish you much enjoyment all the same!