Just got back from a one day film festival, saw:
Deathtrance - from the same fight choreographer as Versus, good fun. Medeival Japanese samuri movie with rocket launchers, guns and motorbikes.
The Wicker Man - Saw this on the big screen for the first time with an introduction from Eli Roth, cool experience
Mortuary - New Tobe Hooper movie, pretty watchable if totally by-the-numbers
Reeker - UK horror movie, totally ripped off the plot from Dead End, but fairly watchable
Hostel - UK premiere, again with an introduction from Eli Roth. Pretty unforgiving stuff, very tense
Theatre Of Blood - classic hammer horror, very entertaining
Then two shorts - Wednesday and Bad Seed, both OK.
Now time for bed as I have an exam on Monday and need to lots of revision tomorrow.