Saving Face
Even hot asian lesbians couldn't save this movie from sucking, although it wasn't terrible I guess. Just boring and faceless. The biggest problem was there was absolutely zero connection between the two bints, even the titsucking scene didn't convince me they were into one another.
The Italian Job
Ruled. I want a Mini more than ever now. Great fucking ending, seemed like a tribute to The Wages of Fear, although probably unintentionally.
Very good and very believable, I wish I was that dude in high school. Sigorney Weaver is my father!
The Hunger
Seen it before, showed it to the woman because she loves Bauhaus and vampires. Fucking rules, duh.
Deep Red
What the fuck was that shit?! Other than a few neato murder scenes, this sucked balls! Horrfically boring, and I loved Suspiria.
Ruled. I love Bill Murray. The Life Aquatic is still my favorite Wes Anderson film, although they all make me dryhump the couch with reckless abandon.
Very solid film with great special effects. I wasn't expecting much but got a lot more. Nothing beats Sin City in terms of comic book flicks, but this one was much better than shite like the X-women.