
Yep, that's the one. Terrible TERRIBLE movie. Although I will repeat, something about the main chick, even in all her butch gayness, made me want to fuck the shit out of her.
I won't repeat my review again (because I'm lazy) but I'll agree the gore effects were pretty good.
Just watched a movie called Hard Candy about a girl and this pedophile ( supposedly) anyway very fucked up movie, the girl performs a castration on the guy. I liked High Tension. Also watched the Proposition with Guy Peirce , its the western set in Australia, very brutal. Also watched Stick It, which cracked my shit up because I love gymnastics ( go fuck yourself) and getting ready to watch Scooby Doo Pirates Ahoy. Also watched United 93 and that was difficult to watch. Very emotional. I work in a video sotre remember? I have spare time. My gf's at college all day.

Vertigo and Rear Window both rock. You should check out a movie called Wait Until Dark came out in 1967 and has Audrey Hepburn in it. She plays a blind woman and its really creepy because theres this guy sneaking into her house trying to find this doll stuffed with heroin. Alan Arkin is in it too. Good flick.
Watched "Jackass: The Movie" tonight. Haven't seen that in a while. Funny stuff.
theres gonna be a Jackass 2, all of the sudden after all these years past. I thought it was kinda random but Im sure Im gonna laugh my balls off after a few tokes and some stupidity. Its on par with stupid Japanese humor.
Yeah, it is all really stupid, but it's funny. I decided to rewatch this because of the second one coming out.
I laughed one time during the original. I don't find homoerotica behavior to be amusing. I enjoy Tom Green esque "look at that weird sonabitch" type humor. I won't be back for the sequel. I, I, I, I
